[ANNOUNCE][PATCH 06/06]RIFS v4 release. All the complex idea is gone.

From: Chen
Date: Wed Jun 06 2012 - 07:20:14 EST


This version of RIFS is the most easiest one. I have removed a lot of
complex things from v3 and it is implement in a simple algorithm.
When a task sleep, the priority of it will raise.When a task spend all
its timeslice, the priority of it will drop.
Then when the priority of a tack touched the top priority or the
bottom priority, the prio will become its original priority
minus/plus(The priority touched the top/bottom) rotary_spin.The
default value of rotary_spin is 5. It is tunable and non-root user can
also tune it (/proc/sys/kernel/rotary_spin).



Attachment: rifs-v4-kernel3.3.x
Description: Binary data