Re: [PATCH v2 4/6] menuconfig: Add jump keys to search results

From: Dirk Gouders
Date: Mon Aug 27 2012 - 08:37:53 EST

Benjamin Poirier <bpoirier@xxxxxxx> writes:

> makes it possible to jump directly to the menu for a configuration entry after
> having searched for it with '/'. If this menu is not currently accessible we
> jump to the nearest accessible parent instead. After exiting this menu, the
> user is returned to the search results where he may jump further in or
> elsewhere.

I applied your patches, played with menuconfig and did not notice any
problems. What I especially like is that if I am guided to a nearest
accessible parent in cases where a menu is not currently accessible and
do modifications there, these modifications are visible in the search
results when I return to them.

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