Re: strange values of loadavg and nr of io-blocked tasks

From: Dr. David Alan Gilbert
Date: Sat Nov 17 2012 - 09:54:32 EST

* Nikola Ciprich (nikola.ciprich@xxxxxxxxxxx) wrote:
> Hi,
> I was doing some I/O tuning of our KVM host, and noticed some
> strange behaviour. When I start some heavy I/O load on guest
> (ie run some fio benchmark), loadavg value of the host jumps
> to value about 65 and holds until load ends. sar reports similar
> number of blocked tasks. I don't really understand those numbers,
> because only active tasks are 4 qemu-kvm threads and few other sleeping
> tasks (so none in R or D state).
> is it possible to somehow find which tasks seem to be blocked?
> or why is loadavg value so high?
> the system is x86_64 quad core with 4GB RAM running centos 6 with 3.0.52-rc1 kernel.

Recebt qemu split there io across multiple threads (as an alternative to AIO),
so what you"ll see is each qemu will dynamically start a load of threads when
is doing heavy IO, none of them will usr much cpu, but each will be blocking on io, and hence count as a 1 for the load.

It does have some flags (which I forget) that let you limit the number of
threads or flip to AIO.

Other than getting a scary loadavg number, it doesn't seem to have any bad

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