Reason for playing games with vector number on x86-64 interrupt handling

From: Ilya Lesokhin
Date: Sun Feb 03 2013 - 14:33:27 EST


I have a question related to interrupt handling on x86-64.

entry_64.s cains the following code:
pushq_cfi $(~vector+0x80) /* Note: always in signed byte range */
and later
addq $-0x80,(%rsp) /* Adjust vector to [-256,-1] range *
and then finally in irq.c
unsigned vector = ~regs->orig_ax;

if I'm not mistaken regs->orig_ax contains ((~vector+0x80) -0x80) =
~vector and applying ~ again gives vector.

I was wondering, what is the reason for all those games with vector?
why not just push vector in the begging and save later instructions?

Please CC me in your answers.
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