Re: [PATCH v2] ata: increase retry count but shorten duration forCalxeda controller

From: Sergei Shtylyov
Date: Fri May 31 2013 - 09:14:06 EST


On 31-05-2013 10:53, Clemens Ladisch wrote:

+ const unsigned long timing[] = { 5, 100, 500};

You'll save space and time if you also make this array "static",
otherwise the compiler will build the array every time this function is

No, *const* specifier is enough to not build this array every time. It will be put into the .const section.

gcc disagrees:

$ cat const_static.c
int f(int x) {
const unsigned long timing[] = { 5, 100, 500};
static const unsigned long timing2[] = { 5, 100, 500};
return timing[x] + timing2[x];
$ gcc -Os -S const_static.c
$ cat const_static.s
.long 5
.long 100
.long 500
movl 8(%ebp), %edx
movl $5, -16(%ebp)
movl $100, -12(%ebp)
movl $500, -8(%ebp)
movl timing2.0(,%edx,4), %eax
addl -16(%ebp,%edx,4), %eax

Hm, I remember I was convinced by somebody just *const* was enough for the data to be put to .const section. Don't remember if he gave an object code example... Well, it means that person was wrong. Mark, we then need *static* as well...


WBR, Sergei

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