Re: regulator: pfuze100: A few small questions

From: Axel Lin
Date: Mon Jul 29 2013 - 11:44:45 EST

>> Current code adjust min_uV and uV_step when SW2~SW4 high bit is set.
>> I'm wondering if n_voltages is correct or not in this case because
>> the n_voltages is calculated by original equation (max-min/step + 1).
>> What is the max_uV when SW2~SW4 high bit is set?
> If high bit set(bit6, bit0~5:vsel), min_uV/step will change from 0.4V/25mV to
> 0.8V/50mV,but the n_voltages will kept the same.
> For example,SW2 will vary from 0.4V to 1.975V(0x0~0x3f),if bit6 set 0(high bit)
> SW2 will vary from 0.8V to 3.3V(0x40~0x72,0x72~0x7f:reversed).
> Please ignore bit7 or consider it as 0.

Hi Robin,
According to your description:
BIT6 is clear: 0.4V ~ 1.975V , step 25mV (0x0~0x3f)
BIT6 is set: 0.8V ~ 3.3V, step 50mV (0x40~0x72,0x72~0x7f:reversed)

For SW2/SW3A/SW3B/SW4:
I think current implementation is wrong.
The supported voltage range should cover the whole range: 0.4V ~ 3.3V.

You need to implement set_voltage_sel/get_voltage_sel:
For 0.4V ~ 1.975V, use 25mV step and clear BIT6.
For 2V ~ 3.3V, use 50mV step and set BIT6

And use regulator_list_voltage_linear_range / regulator_map_voltage_linear_range

Below list the register value and voltage mapping:

reg volt (reg with BIT6 is set)
0x00 400000
0x01 425000
0x02 450000
0x03 475000
0x04 500000
... ......
0x0e 750000
0x0f 775000
0x10 800000 (0x40)
0x11 825000
0x12 850000 (0x41)
0x13 875000
0x14 900000 (0x42)
0x15 925000
0x16 950000 (0x43)
0x17 975000
0x18 1000000 (0x44)
0x19 1025000
0x1a 1050000 (0x45)
0x1b 1075000
0x1c 1100000 (0x46)
0x1d 1125000
0x1e 1150000 (0x47)
0x1f 1175000
... .......
0x3c 1950000 (0x57)
0x3f 1975000
2000000 (0x58)
2050000 (0x59)
2100000 (0x5a)
3300000 (0x72)

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