RE: [PATCH 2/5] Staging: comedi: addi-data: tidy up digital output register map defines in hwdrv_apci1564.c

From: Hartley Sweeten
Date: Thu Mar 06 2014 - 12:35:32 EST

On Thursday, March 06, 2014 12:26 AM, Chase Southwood wrote:
> This patch for hwdrv_apci1564.c fixes the register map defines for the
> digital output registers such that they are all the real offsets to each
> register, rather than a mix of real offsets and adders to those offsets.
> Additionally, the defines have been renamed to assist with shortening
> some lines in excess of 80 characters.
> Further, some of the old defines were being used incorrectly in the
> i_APCI1564_Reset() function. Upon swapping the old defines out for the
> new ones in this function, their use has been corrected.
> Signed-off-by: Chase Southwood <chase.southwood@xxxxxxxxx>
> ---


Same nitpicks as patch 1/5. Otherwise looks good.

Also, I'm having trouble applying your patches for some reason. Please
try applying them locally on your system before posting them.

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