[PATCH] perf, tools: Add script to easily decode addresses

From: Andi Kleen
Date: Thu Mar 13 2014 - 15:54:25 EST

From: Andi Kleen <ak@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Haswell has the nice ability to record addresses and l1 hits
for cycles:pp and several other PEBS events. Normally we just throw
this data away. It can be already record with -d, but perf
was lacking a nice way to display it.

This patch adds a perf script to display this data.

The script can be run with perf script or for specific
IP samples from the TUI browser (with 'r')


% perf record -e cycles:pp -c 1000 -d ls
[ perf record: Captured and wrote 0.157 MB perf.data (~6880 samples) ]
% perf script -s ~/libexec/perf-core/scripts/python/addr.py
total samples seen 2863
number of address samples seen 2219 77.51%
samples without address: 22.49%
number of unique addresses seen: 903
total samples seen 2863
number of address samples seen 2219 77.51%
samples without address: 22.49%
number of unique addresses seen: 903

addresses per symbol
_raw_spin_lock_irqsave ffffffff81f991f0 21.95% 2.43%
_raw_spin_lock_irqsave ffff8802134f9a20 17.48% 1.94%
_raw_spin_lock_irqsave ffff88015aef69c0 17.07% 1.89%
preempt_schedule ffff8801b72b801c 59.02% 1.62%

type of access per IP
ffffffff815a6b96 STORE? 84.69% 7.48%
ffffffff815a6c85 STORE? 86.67% 2.34%
ffffffff815a6b96 STORE? L1 HITM L1 15.31% 1.35%
ffffffff8107bede STORE? 90.32% 1.26%
ffffffff812dba96 STORE? 100.00% 1.26%
ffffffff815a67ae STORE? 100.00% 1.22%
ffffffff815a67a0 STORE? 100.00% 1.13%
ffffffff815a555b STORE? 96.15% 1.13%
ffffffff815a67b7 STORE? 80.77% 0.95%
ffffffff812dbd49 STORE? 82.61% 0.86%

address ranges per symbol
_raw_spin_lock_irqsave ffff8801030fa6e4 ffffffff81f991f0 122873.98G
_raw_spin_unlock_irqrestore ffff8801030fa6e4 ffffffff81f991f0 122873.98G
_raw_spin_lock ffff8801b72b801c ffffffff81c07184 122871.17G
preempt_schedule ffff8801b72b8010 ffff8801b72b9df8 7.48G
__queue_work ffff8801b72b9d80 ffffffff81cb5038 122871.17G
enqueue_entity ffff8801030fc840 ffffffff81f365e0 122873.98G
n_tty_write ffff88003786a832 ffffffff8165e748 122877.15G
try_to_wake_up ffff8801030fa080 ffffffff81cb73c0 122873.98G
finish_task_switch ffff8801030fa290 ffffffff815ae970 122873.97G

Cannot show the the perf report mode with 'r', but that's the
primary use case for it. Just type perf report, select a symbol,
then type 'r' and select addr. Note perf has to be installed
first for this to work, otherwise perf report cannot find the script.

right now it only outputs symbols and numeric IP.
Would need to fix perf to pass srcline.
Some plotting may be useful
perf currently reports all these addresses as stores, even though they
might be loads. I'll send a kernel patch for this separately.

Signed-off-by: Andi Kleen <ak@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
tools/perf/scripts/python/addr.py | 187 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
tools/perf/scripts/python/bin/addr-record | 8 ++
tools/perf/scripts/python/bin/addr-report | 3 +
3 files changed, 198 insertions(+)
create mode 100644 tools/perf/scripts/python/addr.py
create mode 100644 tools/perf/scripts/python/bin/addr-record
create mode 100644 tools/perf/scripts/python/bin/addr-report

diff --git a/tools/perf/scripts/python/addr.py b/tools/perf/scripts/python/addr.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ebeb6c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/perf/scripts/python/addr.py
@@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
+# Print address statistics
+# usage: perf record -d -e cycles:pp ...
+# perf script -s addr.py
+# or run it from perf report menu mode 'r'
+import struct
+import sys
+import os
+import collections
+# top-X to print
+sys.path.append(os.environ['PERF_EXEC_PATH'] + \
+ '/scripts/python/Perf-Trace-Util/lib/Perf/Trace')
+from perf_trace_context import *
+from EventClass import *
+addresses = collections.Counter()
+address_sym = collections.Counter()
+address_ip = collections.Counter()
+datasrc_ip = collections.Counter()
+ip_address = collections.Counter()
+sym_address = collections.Counter()
+total = 0
+skipped = 0
+def trace_begin():
+ pass
+#struct perf_sample {
+# u64 ip;
+# u32 pid, tid;
+# u64 time;
+# u64 addr;
+# u64 id;
+# u64 stream_id;
+# u64 period;
+# u64 weight;
+# u64 transaction;
+# u32 cpu;
+# u32 raw_size;
+# u64 data_src;
+def process_event(param_dict):
+ global total
+ global skipped
+ event_attr = param_dict["attr"]
+ sample = param_dict["sample"]
+ raw_buf = param_dict["raw_buf"]
+ comm = param_dict["comm"]
+ name = param_dict["ev_name"]
+ # Symbol and dso info are not always resolved
+ if (param_dict.has_key("dso")):
+ dso = param_dict["dso"]
+ else:
+ dso = "Unknown_dso"
+ if (param_dict.has_key("symbol")):
+ symbol = param_dict["symbol"]
+ else:
+ symbol = "Unknown symbol"
+ (ip, pid, tid, time, addr, id, sid, period, weight, txn, cpu, raws, data_src) = (
+ struct.unpack("QIIQQQQQQQIIQ", sample[:11 * 8]))
+ if addr == 0:
+ skipped += 1
+ return
+ #print "%s %s %x %x" % (dso, symbol, ip, addr)
+ total += 1
+ addresses[addr] += 1
+ address_ip[(ip, addr)] += 1
+ ip_address[ip] += 1
+ sym_address[symbol] += 1
+ address_sym[(symbol, addr)] += 1
+ datasrc_ip[(ip, data_src)] += 1
+def MASK(bits):
+ return (1 << bits) - 1
+def decode_bits(val, names, bits, shift):
+ v = (val >> shift) & MASK(bits)
+ s = ""
+ for name, index in zip(names, range(0, len(names))):
+ if v & (1 << index):
+ s += " " + name
+ return s
+# __u64 mem_op:5, /* type of opcode */
+# mem_lvl:14, /* memory hierarchy level */
+# mem_snoop:5, /* snoop mode */
+# mem_lock:2, /* lock instr */
+# mem_dtlb:7, /* tlb access */
+# mem_rsvd:31;
+def decode_datasrc(d):
+ s = ""
+ s += decode_bits(d, ['', 'LOAD', 'STORE?', 'PREFETCH', 'EXEC'], 5, 0)
+ s += decode_bits(d, ['', 'HIT', 'MISS', 'L1', 'LFB', 'L2', 'L3',
+ 'LOC_RAM', 'REM-RAM-1', 'REM-RAM-2', 'REM-CACHE-1'
+ 'REM-CACHE-2', 'REM-IO', 'REM-UNCACHED'], 14, 5)
+ s += decode_bits(d, ['', 'NONE', 'MISS', 'HITM'], 19, 5)
+ s += decode_bits(d, ['', 'LOCKED'], 24, 2)
+ s += decode_bits(d, ['', 'L1', 'L2', 'WK', 'OS'], 26, 7)
+ return s
+def pct(a, b):
+ return "%2.2f%%" % (100. * (float(a) / b))
+def unit(a):
+ if a >= 1024**3:
+ return "%.2fG" % (float(a) / (1024**3))
+ if a >= 1024**2:
+ return "%.2fG" % (float(a) / (1024**2))
+ if a >= 1024:
+ return "%.2fG" % (float(a) / (1024))
+ return "%d" % (a)
+def trace_end():
+ all_samples = skipped + total
+ print "total samples seen", all_samples
+ print "number of address samples seen", total, "%2.2f%%" % (
+ 100.*(float(total) / all_samples))
+ print "samples without address: %2.2f%%" % (
+ 100.*(float(skipped) / all_samples))
+ print "number of unique addresses seen: %u" % (len(ip_address.keys()))
+ print "\naddresses per symbol"
+ print "%-30s %16s %7s %7s" % ("SYM", "ADDR", "PCT-IP", "PCT-TOTAL")
+ for j in address_sym.most_common(NUM_PRINT):
+ sym, addr = j[0]
+ print "%-30s %-16x %7s %7s" % (
+ sym, addr,
+ pct(j[1], sym_address[sym]),
+ pct(j[1], total))
+ # XXX use srcline, but need to fix perf to pass this in first
+ print "\naddresses per IP"
+ print "%-16s %16s %7s %7s" % ("IP", "ADDR", "PCT-IP", "PCT-TOTAL")
+ for j in address_ip.most_common(NUM_PRINT):
+ ip, addr = j[0]
+ print "%-16x %-16x %7s %7s" % (
+ ip, addr,
+ pct(j[1], ip_address[ip]),
+ pct(j[1], total))
+ print "\ntype of access per IP"
+ print "%-16s %-30s %7s %7s" % ("IP", "DATA_SRC", "PCT-IP", "PCT-TOTAL")
+ for j in datasrc_ip.most_common(NUM_PRINT):
+ ip, data_src = j[0]
+ print "%-16x %-30s %7s %7s" % (
+ ip,
+ decode_datasrc(data_src),
+ pct(j[1], ip_address[ip]),
+ pct(j[1], total))
+ print "\naddress ranges per symbol"
+ print "%-30s %16s %16s %16s" % ("SYM", "DATA-MIN", "DATA-MAX", "RANGE")
+ for j in sym_address.most_common(NUM_PRINT):
+ if j[0] == "Unknown symbol":
+ continue
+ # XXX crappy algorithm. should do proper join
+ addr = filter(lambda x: x[0] == j[0], address_sym.keys())
+ min_addr = min([x[1] for x in addr])
+ max_addr = max([x[1] for x in addr])
+ print "%-30s %16x %16x %16s" % (j[0], min_addr, max_addr, unit(max_addr - min_addr))
+ print "\naddress ranges per IP"
+ print "%-16s %16s %16s %16s" % ("IP", "DATA-MIN", "DATA-MAX", "RANGE")
+ for j in ip_address.most_common(NUM_PRINT):
+ # XXX crappy algorithm. should do proper join
+ addr = filter(lambda x: x[0] == j[0], address_ip.keys())
+ min_addr = min([x[1] for x in addr])
+ max_addr = max([x[1] for x in addr])
+ print "%-16x %16x %16x %16s" % (j[0], min_addr, max_addr, unit(max_addr - min_addr))
+ ### XXX would be nice to get some information on mmaps from perf
+def trace_unhandled(event_name, context, event_fields_dict):
+ print ' '.join(['%s=%s'%(k,str(v))for k,v in sorted(event_fields_dict.items())])
diff --git a/tools/perf/scripts/python/bin/addr-record b/tools/perf/scripts/python/bin/addr-record
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b6a3cc4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/perf/scripts/python/bin/addr-record
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+# can cover all type of perf samples including
+# the tracepoints, so no special record requirements, just record what
+# you want to analyze.
+perf record -d $@
diff --git a/tools/perf/scripts/python/bin/addr-report b/tools/perf/scripts/python/bin/addr-report
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..998e80d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/perf/scripts/python/bin/addr-report
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+# description: analyze all perf samples
+perf script $@ -s "$PERF_EXEC_PATH"/scripts/python/addr.py

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