Re: [PATCH] Hyperv: Trigger DHCP renew after host hibernation

From: Richard Weinberger
Date: Mon Jul 21 2014 - 05:01:48 EST


Am 21.07.2014 10:44, schrieb Yue Zhang (OSTC DEV):
> Hi, Richard
> IMHO, all networking implementations should handle the cable offline event. Consider
> this situation. I unplugged the network cable and connect it to a new network switch
> after 10 seconds. If the DHCP renew is not triggered, the network will break. I think in
> normal cases, it should already been handled properly. Unless there is a strong
> justification for not doing this. In that case, we shouldn't renew DHCP anyway.

I agree that they should handle the cable offline event.
My concern is that 10 seconds is maybe not a the right choice.
(As we cannot know all implementations)

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