Re: read performance is too low compared to write - /dev/sda1

From: Jagan Teki
Date: Fri Nov 14 2014 - 08:36:09 EST

On 14 November 2014 18:50, Roger Heflin <rogerheflin@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> If you are robocoping small files you will hit other limits.
> Best I have seen with small files is around 30 files/second, and that
> involves multiple copies going on. Remember with a small files there
> are several reads and writes that need to be done to complete a create
> of a small file and each of these take time. 30 files/second ~ 30ms
> per file, not that bad considering that on a real spinning disk a
> single read/write op is 5-10ms, and creating the file entry, copying
> data and closing the file takes several operations (at least create
> file entry, write small amount of data, update file entry
> date/time/info). If the write in the middle is not a significant
> amount of data, the 2 extra ops are what hurts.

But, I tried 4gb and 1gb files both got a similar numbers.

> On Fri, Nov 14, 2014 at 6:55 AM, Jagan Teki <jagannadh.teki@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm doing a performance testing on my bench ARM box.
>> 1. dd test: I have validate the read and write by mounting /dev/sda1
>> with ext4 filesystem,
>> able to get the good performance numbers where read is high
>> compared to write
>> 2. robocopy test:
>> - mkfs.ext4 /dev/sda1
>> - mount /dev/sda1 /media/disk
>> - << configured samba >>
>> - Mapped the /media/disk on windows
>> - login on the mapped driver in windows
>> - did a robocopy test, where write got 84MBps and read 14MBps
>> read performance is too slow when compared to write in robocopy case.
>> Can anyone help me out, how to debug this further.

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