Re: [PATCH 1/2] mfd: da9052: fix broken regulator probe

From: Lee Jones
Date: Wed May 13 2015 - 12:54:46 EST

On Wed, 13 May 2015, Mark Brown wrote:

> On Wed, May 13, 2015 at 04:43:33PM +0100, Lee Jones wrote:
> > On Wed, 29 Apr 2015, Lee Jones wrote:
> > > I'm in the same situation -- can't do anything without an Ack from Mark.
> > I happen to know that Mark regularly deletes his mail.
> > Can you re-sent this complete with collected Acks please?
> If you're looking for me to review something you need to send it to me,
> and the chances of me looking at it are very much increased if there's a
> relevant subject line. I'm CCed (not even on the to list) on endless
> large threads and reposts of patch serieses about MFD drivers most of
> which are of very little relevance to me so they get ignored very
> easily.

Calm down dear, it's only a commercial.

I wasn't having a pop. Rather empathising with your situation and
facilitating a resend that you're likely to see.

I'm sure Johan will do the right thing.

Lee Jones
Linaro STMicroelectronics Landing Team Lead â Open source software for ARM SoCs
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