Re: [PATCH 3/4] sched/deadline: Tracepoints for deadline scheduler

From: Peter Zijlstra
Date: Mon Feb 22 2016 - 12:33:12 EST

On Mon, Feb 22, 2016 at 02:08:21PM -0300, Daniel Bristot de Oliveira wrote:
> Deadline tasks behave differently of other tasks because deadline
> task's also depend on their period, deadline and runtime.
> Hence, the well known sched:sched_wakeup and sched:sched_switch
> tracepoints are not always enough to precisely explain the behavior of a
> deadline task with respect to the task's period, deadline, and runtime
> consumption and replenishment.
> In order to provide more precise information about the scheduling of
> deadline tasks, this patch implements the following tracepoints:
> - sched:sched_deadline_replenish: Informs the runtime replenishment of
> a deadline task. Trace example:
> <idle>-0 [010] d.h. 268.428878: sched_deadline_replenish: \
> comm=y pid=1608 now=268.428876113 deadline=268.458863627 \
> runtime=20000000
> The task y-1608 was replenished with 20000000 ns at 268.428876113
> to be used until the deadline at 268.458863627.
> - sched:sched_deadline_yield: Informs that a deadline task called
> sched_yield(), and will wait for the next period. Trace example:
> y-1608 [010] d... 268.428892: sched_deadline_yield: \
> now=268.428891932 deadline=268.458863627 \
> remaining_runtime=19995653
> The task y-1608 yielded before its deadline, with 19995653 ns of
> remaining runtime.
> - sched:sched_deadline_throttle: Informs that a task consumed all its
> available runtime and was throttled. Trace example:
> t-1613 [011] d.h. 280.419823: sched_deadline_throttle: \
> now=280.419823282 deadline=280.430683206 \
> remaining_runtime=-13280
> The task t-1613 overrun its runtime by 13280 ns and was throttled.
> - sched:sched_deadline_block: Informs that a deadline task went to sleep
> waiting to be awakened by another task. Trace example:
> b-1611 [011] d... 276.228298: sched_deadline_block: \
> now=276.228295889 deadline=276.258262555
> remaining_runtime=19966666
> The task b-1611 blocked waiting for an external event. Its deadline is at
> 276.258262555, and it stills have 19966666 ns of remaining runtime on the
> current period.

So I'm a bit allergic to tracepoints and this is very flimsy on reasons
why I would want to do this.

As it stands, the existing tracepoint have already been an ABI
trainwreck, why would I want to add more?