Re: [patch 13/20] timer: Switch to a non cascading wheel

From: George Spelvin
Date: Tue Jun 14 2016 - 04:16:13 EST

Nice cleanup!

I think I see a buglet in your level-5 cascading.

Suppose a timer is requested far in the future for a time
that is an exact multiple of 32768 jiffies.

collect_expired_timers() scans level 5 after all the previous ones,
and will cascade it to level 0, in a level-0 bucket which has already
been scanned, and won't be scanned again for 64 jiffies.

I agree that 64 jiffies is well within your allowed rounding accuracy,
and order of timer firing is not guaranteed when they're for the same
time, but it is a bit odd when a timer fires 32 jiffies *before* another
timer scheduled for 32 jiffies later. That's the sort of peculiarity
that could lead to a subtle bug.

While I like the cleanup of just limiting long-term resolution, if
it turns out to be necessary, it's not too hard to add exact timers
back in if a need is found in future. All you need is a second
__internal_add_timer function that rounds down rather than up, and to
teach expire_timers() to cascade in the unlikely situation that a timer
does have an expiry time in the future.

(It also gets rid of the special case for level 5.)

Other, mostly minor, code comments:

> +/* Level offsets in the wheel */
> +#define LVL0_OFFS (0)
> +#define LVL1_OFFS (LVL_SIZE)
> +#define LVL2_OFFS (LVL1_OFFS + LVL_SIZE)
> +#define LVL3_OFFS (LVL2_OFFS + LVL_SIZE)
> +#define LVL4_OFFS (LVL3_OFFS + LVL_SIZE)
> +#define LVL5_OFFS (LVL4_OFFS + LVL_SIZE)
> +
> +/* Clock divisor for the next level */
> +#define LVL_CLK_SHIFT 3
> +#define LVL_CLK_DIV (1 << LVL_CLK_SHIFT)
> +#define LVL_CLK_MASK (LVL_CLK_DIV - 1)
> +
> +/* The shift constants for selecting the bucket at the levels */
> +#define LVL1_SHIFT (1 * LVL_CLK_SHIFT)
> +#define LVL2_SHIFT (2 * LVL_CLK_SHIFT)
> +#define LVL3_SHIFT (3 * LVL_CLK_SHIFT)
> +#define LVL4_SHIFT (4 * LVL_CLK_SHIFT)
> +#define LVL5_SHIFT (5 * LVL_CLK_SHIFT)
> +
> +/* The granularity of each level */
> +#define LVL0_GRAN 0x00000001

Wouldn't this all be so much simpler as

#define LVL_BITS 6 /* Renamed previous LVL_SHIFT */
#define LVL_SIZE (1 << LVL_BITS)
#define LVL_MASK (LVL_BITS - 1)
#define LVL_OFFS(n) ((n) * LVL_SIZE)
#define LVL_SHIFT(n) ((n) * LVL_CLK_SHIFT)
#define LVL_GRAN(n) (1 << LVL_SHIFT(n))

Then you could do
+static inline unsigned calc_index(unsigned expires, unsigned level),
+ /* Round up to next bin bin */
+ expires = ((expires - 1) >> LVL_SHIFT(level)) + 1;
+ return LVL_OFFS(level) + (expires & LVL_MASK);

> +#define LVL1_TSTART (LVL_SIZE - 1)

Er... isn't that LVL_SIZE, as documented in the table above?
Then it could be
#define LVL_TSTART(n) (LVL_SIZE << LVL_SHIFT(n))

Ideally, you'd like all of that

+ if (delta < LVL1_TSTART) {
+ idx = (expires + LVL0_GRAN) & LVL_MASK;
+ } else if (delta < LVL2_TSTART) {
+ idx = calc_index(expires, LVL1_GRAN, LVL1_SHIFT, LVL1_OFFS);
+ } else if (delta < LVL3_TSTART) {
+ idx = calc_index(expires, LVL2_GRAN, LVL2_SHIFT, LVL2_OFFS);
+ } else if (delta < LVL4_TSTART) {
+ idx = calc_index(expires, LVL3_GRAN, LVL3_SHIFT, LVL3_OFFS);
+ } else if (delta < LVL5_TSTART) {
+ idx = calc_index(expires, LVL4_GRAN, LVL4_SHIFT, LVL4_OFFS);

to be replaced with __builtin_clz or similar:

level = __fls(delta | LVL_MASK);
if (level < LVL_BITS + LVL_SHIFT(LVL_DEPTH-1)) { /* or LVL_DEPTH-2, no difference */
level = (level + LVL_CLK_SHIFT - LVL_BITS) / LVL_CLK_SHIFT;
} else if ((long)delta < 0) {
expires = base->clk;
level = 0;
} else {
level = LVL_DEPTH - 1;
index = calc_index(expires, level);

> +static inline void detach_expired_timer(struct timer_list *timer)
> {
> detach_timer(timer, true);
> - if (!(timer->flags & TIMER_DEFERRABLE))
> - base->active_timers--;
> - base->all_timers--;
> }

Is there even a reason to have this wrapper any more? Why not
just replace all calls to it in the source?

> + timer = hlist_entry(head->first, struct timer_list, entry);
> + fn = timer->function;
> + data = timer->data;
> +
> + timer_stats_account_timer(timer);
> +
> + base->running_timer = timer;
> + detach_expired_timer(timer);

Is there some non-obvious reason that you have to fetch fn and data
so early? It seems like a register pressure pessimization, if the
compiler can't figure out that timer_stats code can't change them.

The cache line containing this timer was already prefetched when you
updated its entry.pprev as part of removing the previous entry from
the list.

I see why you want to fetch them with the lock held in case there's some
freaky race, but I'd do it all after detach_timer().