Bluetooth on N900 status

From: Pavel Machek
Date: Wed Jun 15 2016 - 18:43:19 EST


(I added l-k to cc list).

> Pavel, while we are at it, could you briefly explain what has happened with
> bluetooth patches you were trying to upstream? I can take over those, but it
> is not clear to me what exactly needs to be done.

I thought they stopped working and some ugly bisect would be needed,
but I tried again, and it seems they still work in v4.7:

root@n900:/my/modules# ./run
hci0 Set Public Address complete, options:
Inquiring ...
6C:23:B9:9B:57:7D clock offset: 0x5074 class:
hci0: Type: BR/EDR Bus: UART
BD Address: 01:02:03:04:05:06 ACL MTU: 1017:4 SCO
MTU: 64:1
RX bytes:1652 acl:0 sco:0 events:101 errors:0
TX bytes:10692 acl:0 sco:0 commands:99

root@n900:/my/modules# cat run
chvt 1
insmod nokia_h4p.ko
rmmod nokia_h4p
insmod nokia_h4p.ko
hciconfig hci0 up
hciconfig hci0 down
rmmod nokia_h4p
insmod nokia_h4p.ko
hciconfig hci0 up
hciconfig hci0 down
../bluez-5.26/tools/btmgmt public-addr 01:02:03:04:05:06
hciconfig hci0 up
hcitool inq
hciconfig hci0 down
hciconfig hci0
rmmod nokia_h4p

...which is kind of interesting given the dmesg:

[ 206.219451] Bluetooth: hci0 command 0xfc4c tx timeout
[ 209.219482] nokia_h4p 4806c000.serial: ...sending cmd fc4c len 255
failed -110
[ 209.219543] nokia_h4p 4806c000.serial: Cannot read firmware
[ 209.219573] Bluetooth: hci_setup: something failed, should do the
clean up
[ 219.272918] nokia_h4p 4806c000.serial: Registering HCI H4P device

Patch is attached. Probably contains some unneccessary changes. Config
does not work with video, so you may want to supply working config or
fix it.

So that's the latest version, if you want to play.
(cesky, pictures)

Attachment: delme.gz
Description: application/gzip