Re: [PATCH] mellanox: mlx5: Use logging functions to reduce text ~10k/5%

From: Jason Gunthorpe
Date: Wed Jun 22 2016 - 16:41:07 EST

On Wed, Jun 22, 2016 at 11:23:59AM -0700, Joe Perches wrote:

> The output changes now do not include line #, but do include the
> function offset.

I've been using a technique like this in some code with good results:

struct source_location
const char *file;
const char *func;
const char *format;
uint16_t line;
#define _LOCATION(format) ({static const source_location __location__ = {\

void _mlx5_core_err(const struct source_location *loc,struct mlx5_core_dev *dev, ...);
#define mlx5_core_err(dev,format,...) _mlx_core_err(_LOCATION(format),dev,__VA_ARGS__)

The call site .text overhead is the about same as what you have, but
this still retains the function and line number information in
