Re: [PATCH] procfs: change the owner of non-dumpable and writeable files

From: Aleksa Sarai
Date: Thu Jan 19 2017 - 21:54:00 EST

Please verify but the ptrace issue that allowed processes in a container
to call setns on our processes should be fixed as of 4.10-rc1. And the
change has been marked for backporting.

ptrace(2) is not the only issue, the issue that we had in runC is that a process joining a namespace may have file descriptors that refer to the host filesystem. If the process joining is dumpable, a racing process inside the container can access those file descriptors through the /proc/[pid]/fd/... mechanism.

See CVE-2016-9962.

AKA it should be this fix that removes the need for your dumpable setting.
Fixes: bfedb589252c ("mm: Add a user_ns owner to mm_struct and fix ptrace permission checks")

I will check, though from what I recall that patch doesn't fix the ptrace_may_access checks. Not to mention it won't help if the container doesn't have it's own user namespace.

Now with that said I believe we want to add the following change now
that dumpable is user namespace relative. That will use not the
GLOBAL_ROOT_UID/GID but instead uid and gid 0 in the namespace
that dumpable is relative too.

Sure, but that's tangential to the issue under discussion.

But ugh! Your case is even more confused that I had first noticed.
Saying that a processes is undumpable is completely unnecessary
when you are entering into a new fresh user namespace. Touching
setgroups at any point where there are other processes in the namespace
makes no sense whatsoever.

Currently in runC the ordering for mixed create-and-join namespaces is that we first join existing namespaces and _then_ create new ones. So we need to be non-dumpable to avoid the problem in CVE-2016-9962.

Clearing dumpable is to help not leak things
into a container when you call setns on a user namespace.

It is also to help not leak things into a container when you join other namespaces. Most notably the PID namespace.

+ if (mode != (S_IFDIR|S_IRUGO|S_IXUGO)) {

I'd just like to draw your attention to this special case -- why is this special cased? What was the original reasoning behind it? Does it make sense for a non-dumpable process to allow someone to change the mode of some random /proc/[pid]/ directories?

I get the feeling that some of this logic is a bit iffy.

Aleksa Sarai
Software Engineer (Containers)
SUSE Linux GmbH