[RFC PATCH v1 2/6] kernel-doc: replace kernel-doc perl parser with a pure python one (WIP)

From: Markus Heiser
Date: Tue Jan 24 2017 - 14:53:28 EST

This patch is the initial merge of a pure python implementation
to parse kernel-doc comments and generate reST from.

It consist mainly of to parts, the parser module (kerneldoc.py) and the
sphinx-doc extension (rstKernelDoc.py). For the command line, there is
also a 'scripts/kerneldoc' added.::

scripts/kerneldoc --help

The main two parts are merged 1:1 from

https://github.com/return42/linuxdoc commit 3991d3c

Take this as a starting point, there is a lot of work to do (WIP).
Since it is merged 1:1, you will also notice it's CodingStyle is (ATM)
not kernel compliant and it lacks a user doc ('Documentation/doc-guide').

I will send patches for this when the community agreed about
functionalities. I guess there are a lot of topics we have to agree
about. E.g. the py-implementation is more strict the perl one. When you
build doc with the py-module you will see a lot of additional errors and
warnings compared to the sloppy perl one.

I also guess that kernel_doc.py module needs some clean up, but first
follow the patch series to see what additional functionalities it brings.

I few words about it's history: I started this implementation very early
as a part of a POC in May 2016:


Later I implemented the 'linuxdoc' suite mentioned above. Since
beginning, all bug fixes has been merged which has been applied to the
perl one from the kernel's source tree. The test was always to run the
kernel-doc parser against the whole source tree and see if there are
changes which might be a regression. A partial history of reST output
changes can be found here:


At the beginning I spent weeks/month in testing, reviewing the logs and
the produced output. At that time, while testing against whole source
tree, I found several bugs in the perl version I ported. Sorry that I
have not mailed all those bugs to the kernel-doc ML back, but my first
aim was to implement a replacement and not to merge improvements
downwards. This was also the time I implemented several improvements in
linting. To sum, thats why I hope, a switch to py-version brings
progress without any regression.

Signed-off-by: Markus Heiser <markus.heiser@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Documentation/Makefile.sphinx | 3 +-
Documentation/conf.py | 6 +-
Documentation/sphinx/kernel_doc.py | 2908 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Documentation/sphinx/kerneldoc.py | 149 --
Documentation/sphinx/rstKernelDoc.py | 560 +++++++
scripts/kerneldoc | 11 +
6 files changed, 3483 insertions(+), 154 deletions(-)
create mode 100755 Documentation/sphinx/kernel_doc.py
delete mode 100644 Documentation/sphinx/kerneldoc.py
create mode 100755 Documentation/sphinx/rstKernelDoc.py
create mode 100755 scripts/kerneldoc

diff --git a/Documentation/Makefile.sphinx b/Documentation/Makefile.sphinx
index 707c653..626dfd0 100644
--- a/Documentation/Makefile.sphinx
+++ b/Documentation/Makefile.sphinx
@@ -37,8 +37,7 @@ HAVE_PDFLATEX := $(shell if which $(PDFLATEX) >/dev/null 2>&1; then echo 1; else
PAPEROPT_a4 = -D latex_paper_size=a4
PAPEROPT_letter = -D latex_paper_size=letter
KERNELDOC = $(srctree)/scripts/kernel-doc
-KERNELDOC_CONF = -D kerneldoc_srctree=$(srctree) -D kerneldoc_bin=$(KERNELDOC)
# the i18n builder cannot share the environment and doctrees with the others

diff --git a/Documentation/conf.py b/Documentation/conf.py
index 1ac958c..4843903 100644
--- a/Documentation/conf.py
+++ b/Documentation/conf.py
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ from load_config import loadConfig
# Add any Sphinx extension module names here, as strings. They can be
# extensions coming with Sphinx (named 'sphinx.ext.*') or your custom
# ones.
-extensions = ['kerneldoc', 'rstFlatTable', 'kernel_include', 'cdomain']
+extensions = ['rstKernelDoc', 'rstFlatTable', 'kernel_include', 'cdomain' ]

# The name of the math extension changed on Sphinx 1.4
if major == 1 and minor > 3:
@@ -505,8 +505,8 @@ pdf_documents = [
# kernel-doc extension configuration for running Sphinx directly (e.g. by Read
# the Docs). In a normal build, these are supplied from the Makefile via command
# line arguments.
-kerneldoc_bin = '../scripts/kernel-doc'
-kerneldoc_srctree = '..'
+kernel_doc_verbose_warn = False
+kernel_doc_raise_error = False

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Since loadConfig overwrites settings from the global namespace, it has to be
diff --git a/Documentation/sphinx/kernel_doc.py b/Documentation/sphinx/kernel_doc.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..2abea3a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/sphinx/kernel_doc.py
@@ -0,0 +1,2908 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: python -*-
+# pylint: disable=C0103,C0302,R0912,R0914,R0915
+ kerneldoc
+ ~~~~~~~~~
+ Implementation of the ``kernel-doc`` parser.
+ :copyright: Copyright (C) 2016 Markus Heiser
+ :license: GPL Version 2, June 1991 see Linux/COPYING for details.
+ The kernel-doc parser extracts documentation from Linux kernel's source code
+ comments. This implements the :ref:`kernel-doc:kernel-doc-HOWTO`.
+ This module provides an API -- which could be used by a sphinx-doc generator
+ extension -- and a command-line interface, see ``--help``::
+ $ kernel-doc --help
+ But, the command-line is only for test, normally you don't need it.
+ Compared with the Perl kernel-doc script, this implementation has additional
+ features like *parse options* for a smooth integration of reStructuredText
+ (reST) markup in the kernel's source code comments. In addition, this
+ rewrite brings the functionalities, which has been spread in *docproc* and
+ make files (e.g. working with *EXPORTED_SYMBOLS*) back to the kernel-doc
+ parse process. In combination with a (separate) *kernel-doc* reST directive
+ (which uses this module), the documentation generation becomes more clear
+ and flexible.
+ The architecture is simple and consists of three types of objects (three
+ classes).
+ * class Parser: The parser parses the source-file and dumps extracted
+ kernel-doc data.
+ * subclasses of class TranslatorAPI: to translate the dumped kernel-doc data
+ into output formats. There exists two implementations:
+ - class NullTranslator: translates nothing, just parse
+ - class ReSTTranslator(TranslatorAPI): translates dumped kernel-doc data
+ to reST markup.
+ * class ParseOptions: a container full with options to control parsing an
+ translation.
+ With the NullTranslator a source file is parsed only once while different
+ output could be generated (multiple times) just by changing the Translator
+ (e.g. with the ReSTTranslator) and the option container.
+ With parsing the source files only once, the building time is reduced n-times.
+# ==============================================================================
+# imports
+# ==============================================================================
+import argparse
+import codecs
+import collections
+import copy
+import os
+import re
+import sys
+import textwrap
+import six
+from fspath import OS_ENV
+# ==============================================================================
+# common globals
+# ==============================================================================
+# The version numbering follows numbering of the specification
+# (Documentation/books/kernel-doc-HOWTO).
+__version__ = '1.0'
+# ==============================================================================
+# regular expresssions and helper used by the parser and the translator
+# ==============================================================================
+class RE(object):
+ u"""regular expression that stores last match (like Perl's ``=~`` operator)"""
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ self.re = re.compile(*args, **kwargs)
+ self.last_match = None
+ def match(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ self.last_match = self.re.match(*args, **kwargs)
+ return self.last_match
+ def search(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ self.last_match = self.re.search(*args, **kwargs)
+ return self.last_match
+ def __getattr__(self, attr):
+ return getattr(self.re, attr)
+ def __getitem__(self, group):
+ if group < 0 or group > self.groups - 1:
+ raise IndexError("group index out of range (max %s groups)" % self.groups )
+ if self.last_match is None:
+ raise IndexError("nothing hase matched / no groups")
+ return self.last_match.group(group + 1)
+# these regular expresions has been *stolen* from the kernel-doc perl script.
+doc_start = RE(r"^/\*\*\s*$") # Allow whitespace at end of comment start.
+doc_end = RE(r"\s*\*+/")
+doc_com = RE(r"\s*\*\s*")
+doc_com_section = RE(r"\s*\*\s{1,8}") # more than 8 spaces (one tab) as prefix is not a new section comment
+doc_com_body = RE(r"\s*\* ?")
+doc_decl = RE(doc_com.pattern + r"(\w+)")
+#doc_decl_ident = RE(r"\s*([\w\s]+?)\s*[\(\)]\s*[-:]")
+doc_decl_ident = RE(doc_com.pattern + r"(struct|union|enum|typedef|function)\s*(\w+)")
+doc_decl_purpose = RE(r"[-:](.*)$")
+# except pattern like "http://";, a whitespace is required after the colon
+doc_sect_except = RE(doc_com.pattern + r"[^\s@](.*)?:[^\s]")
+#doc_sect = RE(doc_com.pattern + r"([" + doc_special.pattern + r"]?[\w\s]+):(.*)")
+# "section header:" names must be unique per function (or struct,union, typedef,
+# enum). Additional condition: the header name should have 3 characters at least!
+doc_sect = RE(doc_com_section.pattern
+ + r"("
+ + r"@\w[^:]*" # "@foo: lorem" or
+ + r"|" + r"@\w[.\w]+[^:]*" # "@foo.bar: lorem" or
+ + r"|" + r"\@\.\.\." # ellipsis "@...: lorem" or
+ + r"|" + r"\w[\w\s]+\w" # e.g. "Return: lorem"
+ + r")"
+ + r":(.*?)\s*$") # this matches also strings like "http://..."; (doc_sect_except)
+doc_sect_reST = RE(doc_com_section.pattern
+ + r"("
+ + r"@\w[^:]*" # "@foo: lorem" or
+ + r"|" + r"@\w[.\w]+[^:]*" # "@foo.bar: lorem" or
+ + r"|" + r"\@\.\.\." # ellipsis "@...: lorem" or
+ # a tribute to vintage markups, when in reST mode ...
+ + r"|description|context|returns?|notes?|examples?|introduction|intro"
+ + r")"
+ + r":(.*?)\s*$" # this matches also strings like "http://..."; (doc_sect_except)
+ , flags = re.IGNORECASE)
+reST_sect = RE(doc_com_section.pattern
+ + r"("
+ r"\w[\w\s]+\w"
+ + r")"
+ + r":\s*$")
+doc_content = RE(doc_com_body.pattern + r"(.*)")
+doc_block = RE(doc_com.pattern + r"DOC:\s*(.*)?")
+# state: 5 - gathering documentation outside main block
+doc_state5_start = RE(r"^\s*/\*\*\s*$")
+doc_state5_sect = RE(r"\s*\*\s*(@[\w\s]+):(.*)")
+doc_state5_end = RE(r"^\s*\*/\s*$")
+doc_state5_oneline = RE(r"^\s*/\*\*\s*(@[\w\s]+):\s*(.*)\s*\*/\s*$");
+# match expressions used to find embedded type information
+type_enum_full = RE(r"(?<=\s)\&(enum)\s*([_\w]+)")
+type_struct_full = RE(r"(?<=\s)\&(struct)\s*([_\w]+)")
+type_typedef_full = RE(r"(?<=\s)\&(typedef)\s*([_\w]+)")
+type_union_full = RE(r"(?<=\s)\&(union)\s*([_\w]+)")
+type_member = RE(r"(?<=\s)\&([_\w]+)((\.|->)[_\w]+)")
+type_member_func = RE(type_member.pattern + r"\(\)")
+type_func = RE(r"(?<=\s)(\w+)(?<!\\)\(\)")
+type_constant = RE(r"(?<=\s)\%([-_\w]+)")
+type_param = RE(r"(?<=\s)\@(\w+)")
+type_env = RE(r"(?<=\s)(\$\w+)")
+type_struct = RE(r"(?<=\s)\&((struct\s*)*[_\w]+)")
+esc_type_prefix = RE(r"\\([\@\%\&\$\(])")
+CR_NL = RE(r"[\r\n]")
+C99_comments = RE(r"//.*$")
+C89_comments = RE(r"/\*.*?\*/")
+C_STRUCT = RE(r"struct\s+(\w+)\s*{(.*)}")
+C_UNION = RE(r"union\s+(\w+)\s*{(.*)}")
+C_STRUCT_UNION = RE(r"(struct|union)\s+(\w+)\s*{(.*)}")
+C_ENUM = RE(r"enum\s+(\w+)\s*{(.*)}")
+C_TYPEDEF = RE(r"typedef.*\s+(\w+)\s*;")
+# typedef of a function pointer
+C_FUNC_TYPEDEF = RE(r"typedef\s+(\w+)\s*\(\*\s*(\w\S+)\s*\)\s*\((.*)\);")
+C_FUNC_TYPEDEF_2 = RE(r"typedef\s+(\w+)\s+(\w\S+)\s*\((.*)\);")
+MACRO = RE(r"^#")
+MACRO_define = RE(r"^#\s*define\s+")
+TP_PROTO = RE(r"TP_PROTO\((.*?)\)")
+TRACE_EVENT_name = RE(r"TRACE_EVENT\((.*?),")
+DEFINE_EVENT_name = RE(r"DEFINE_EVENT\((.*?),(.*?),")
+ # RE(r"^(\w+)\s+\(\*([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)\)\s*\(([^\(]*)\)") # match: void (*foo) (int bar);
+ RE(r"^()([a-zA-Z0-9_~:]+)\s*\(([^\(]*)\)")
+ , RE(r"^(\w+)\s+([a-zA-Z0-9_~:]+)\s*\(([^\(]*)\)")
+ , RE(r"^(\w+\s*\*+)\s*([a-zA-Z0-9_~:]+)\s*\(([^\(]*)\)")
+ , RE(r"^(\w+\s+\w+)\s+([a-zA-Z0-9_~:]+)\s*\(([^\(]*)\)")
+ , RE(r"^(\w+\s+\w+\s*\*+)\s*([a-zA-Z0-9_~:]+)\s*\(([^\(]*)\)")
+ , RE(r"^(\w+\s+\w+\s+\w+)\s+([a-zA-Z0-9_~:]+)\s*\(([^\(]*)\)")
+ , RE(r"^(\w+\s+\w+\s+\w+\s*\*+)\s*([a-zA-Z0-9_~:]+)\s*\(([^\(]*)\)")
+ , RE(r"^()([a-zA-Z0-9_~:]+)\s*\(([^\{]*)\)")
+ , RE(r"^(\w+)\s+([a-zA-Z0-9_~:]+)\s*\(([^\{]*)\)")
+ , RE(r"^(\w+\s*\*+)\s*([a-zA-Z0-9_~:]+)\s*\(([^\{]*)\)")
+ , RE(r"^(\w+\s+\w+)\s+([a-zA-Z0-9_~:]+)\s*\(([^\{]*)\)")
+ , RE(r"^(\w+\s+\w+\s*\*+)\s*([a-zA-Z0-9_~:]+)\s*\(([^\{]*)\)")
+ , RE(r"^(\w+\s+\w+\s+\w+)\s+([a-zA-Z0-9_~:]+)\s*\(([^\{]*)\)")
+ , RE(r"^(\w+\s+\w+\s+\w+\s*\*+)\s*([a-zA-Z0-9_~:]+)\s*\(([^\{]*)\)")
+ , RE(r"^(\w+\s+\w+\s+\w+\s+\w+)\s+([a-zA-Z0-9_~:]+)\s*\(([^\{]*)\)")
+ , RE(r"^(\w+\s+\w+\s+\w+\s+\w+\s*\*+)\s*([a-zA-Z0-9_~:]+)\s*\(([^\{]*)\)")
+ , RE(r"^(\w+\s+\w+\s*\*\s*\w+\s*\*+\s*)\s*([a-zA-Z0-9_~:]+)\s*\(([^\{]*)\)")
+ r"^\s*(EXPORT_SYMBOL)(_GPL)?(_FUTURE)?\s*\(\s*(\w*)\s*\)\s*", flags=re.M)
+MODULE_INFO = RE(r'^\s*(MODULE_)(AUTHOR|DESCRIPTION|LICENSE)\s*\(\s*"([^"]+)"', flags=re.M)
+WHITESPACE = RE(r"\s+", flags=re.UNICODE)
+def normalize_ws(string):
+ u"""strip needles whitespaces.
+ Substitute consecutive whitespaces with one single space and strip
+ trailing/leading whitespaces"""
+ string = WHITESPACE.sub(" ", string)
+ return string.strip()
+ID_CHARS = RE(r"[^A-Za-z0-9\._]")
+def normalize_id(ID):
+ u"""substitude invalid chars of the ID with ``-`` and mak it lowercase"""
+ return ID_CHARS.sub("-", ID).lower()
+def map_text(text, map_table):
+ for regexpr, substitute in map_table:
+ if substitute is not None:
+ text = regexpr.sub(substitute, text)
+ return text
+# ==============================================================================
+# helper
+# ==============================================================================
+def openTextFile(fname, mode="r", encoding="utf-8", errors="strict", buffering=1):
+ return codecs.open(
+ fname, mode=mode, encoding=encoding
+ , errors=errors, buffering=buffering)
+def readFile(fname, encoding="utf-8", errors="strict"):
+ with openTextFile(fname, encoding=encoding, errors=errors) as f:
+ return f.read()
+class Container(dict):
+ @property
+ def __dict__(self):
+ return self
+ def __getattr__(self, attr):
+ return self[attr]
+ def __setattr__(self, attr, val):
+ self[attr] = val
+class DevNull(object):
+ """A dev/null file descriptor."""
+ def write(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ pass
+DevNull = DevNull()
+KERNELVERSION = OS_ENV.get("KERNELVERSION", "unknown kernel version")
+SRCTREE = OS_ENV.get("srctree", "")
+GIT_REF = ("Linux kernel source tree:"
+ " `%(rel_fname)s <https://git.kernel.org/cgit/linux/kernel/git/torvalds/linux.git/tree/";
+ "%(rel_fname)s>`__")
+# ==============================================================================
+# Logging stuff
+# ==============================================================================
+STREAM = Container(
+ # pipes used by the application & logger
+ appl_out = sys.__stdout__
+ , log_out = sys.__stderr__
+ , )
+DEBUG = False
+INSPECT = False
+QUIET = False
+class SimpleLog(object):
+ LOG_FORMAT = "%(logclass)s: %(message)s\n"
+ def error(self, message, **replace):
+ message = message % replace
+ replace.update(dict(message = message, logclass = "ERROR"))
+ STREAM.log_out.write(self.LOG_FORMAT % replace)
+ def warn(self, message, **replace):
+ if QUIET:
+ return
+ message = message % replace
+ replace.update(dict(message = message, logclass = "WARN"))
+ STREAM.log_out.write(self.LOG_FORMAT % replace)
+ def info(self, message, **replace):
+ if not VERBOSE:
+ return
+ message = message % replace
+ replace.update(dict(message = message, logclass = "INFO"))
+ STREAM.log_out.write(self.LOG_FORMAT % replace)
+ def debug(self, message, **replace):
+ if not DEBUG:
+ return
+ message = message % replace
+ replace.update(dict(message = message, logclass = "DEBUG"))
+ STREAM.log_out.write(self.LOG_FORMAT % replace)
+LOG = SimpleLog()
+# ==============================================================================
+def main():
+# ==============================================================================
+ global VERBOSE, DEBUG # pylint: disable=W0603
+ epilog = (u"This implementation of uses the kernel-doc parser"
+ " from the linuxdoc extension, for detail informations read"
+ " http://return42.github.io/sphkerneldoc/books/kernel-doc-HOWTO";)
+ CLI = argparse.ArgumentParser(
+ description = (
+ "Parse *kernel-doc* comments from source code"
+ " and print them (with reST markup) to stdout." )
+ , epilog = epilog
+ , formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter)
+ CLI.add_argument(
+ "files"
+ , nargs = "+"
+ , help = "source file(s) to parse.")
+ CLI.add_argument(
+ "--id-prefix"
+ , default = ""
+ , help = (
+ "A prefix for generated IDs. IDs are used as anchors by cross"
+ " references. They are automaticly gernerated based on the declaration"
+ " and / or section names. Declartions like 'open' or section names"
+ " like 'Intro' are very common, to make them unique, a prefix is needed."
+ " Mostly you will choose the *module* or *include filename* as prefix." ))
+ CLI.add_argument(
+ "--verbose", "-v"
+ , action = "store_true"
+ , help = "verbose output with log messages to stderr" )
+ CLI.add_argument(
+ "--sloppy"
+ , action = "store_true"
+ , help = "Sloppy linting, reports only severe errors.")
+ CLI.add_argument(
+ "--debug"
+ , action = "store_true"
+ , help = "debug messages to stderr" )
+ CLI.add_argument(
+ "--quiet", "-q"
+ , action = "store_true"
+ , help = "no messages to stderr" )
+ CLI.add_argument(
+ "--skip-preamble"
+ , action = "store_true"
+ , help = "skip preamble in the output" )
+ CLI.add_argument(
+ "--skip-epilog"
+ , action = "store_true"
+ , help = "skip epilog in the output" )
+ CLI.add_argument(
+ "--list-internals"
+ , choices = Parser.DOC_TYPES + ["all"]
+ , nargs = "+"
+ , help = "list symbols, titles or whatever is documented, but *not* exported" )
+ CLI.add_argument(
+ "--list-exports"
+ , action = "store_true"
+ , help = "list all symbols exported using EXPORT_SYMBOL" )
+ CLI.add_argument(
+ "--use-names"
+ , nargs = "+"
+ , help = "print documentation of functions, structs or whatever title/object")
+ CLI.add_argument(
+ "--exported"
+ , action = "store_true"
+ , help = ("print documentation of all symbols exported"
+ " using EXPORT_SYMBOL macros" ))
+ CLI.add_argument(
+ "--internal"
+ , action = "store_true"
+ , help = ("print documentation of all symbols that are documented,"
+ " but not exported" ))
+ CLI.add_argument(
+ "--markup"
+ , choices = ["reST", "kernel-doc"]
+ , default = "reST"
+ , help = (
+ "Markup of the comments. Change this option only if you know"
+ " what you do. New comments must be marked up with reST!"))
+ CMD = CLI.parse_args()
+ VERBOSE = CMD.verbose
+ DEBUG = CMD.debug
+ if CMD.quiet:
+ STREAM.log_out = DevNull
+ LOG.debug(u"CMD: %(CMD)s", CMD=CMD)
+ retVal = 0
+ for fname in CMD.files:
+ translator = ReSTTranslator()
+ opts = ParseOptions(
+ fname = fname
+ , id_prefix = CMD.id_prefix
+ , skip_preamble = CMD.skip_preamble
+ , skip_epilog = CMD.skip_epilog
+ , out = STREAM.appl_out
+ , markup = CMD.markup
+ , verbose_warn = not (CMD.sloppy)
+ ,)
+ opts.set_defaults()
+ if CMD.list_exports or CMD.list_internals:
+ # pylint: disable=R0204
+ translator = ListTranslator(CMD.list_exports, CMD.list_internals)
+ opts.gather_context = True
+ elif CMD.use_names:
+ opts.use_names = CMD.use_names
+ elif CMD.exported or CMD.internal:
+ # gather exported symbols ...
+ src = readFile(opts.fname)
+ ctx = ParserContext()
+ Parser.gather_context(src, ctx)
+ opts.error_missing = False
+ opts.use_names = ctx.exported_symbols
+ opts.skip_names = []
+ if CMD.internal:
+ opts.use_names = []
+ opts.skip_names = ctx.exported_symbols
+ else:
+ # if non section is choosen by use-name, internal or exclude, then
+ # use all DOC: sections
+ opts.use_all_docs = True
+ parser = Parser(opts, translator)
+ parser.parse()
+ parser.close()
+ if parser.errors:
+ retVal = 1
+ return retVal
+# ==============================================================================
+# API
+# ==============================================================================
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class TranslatorAPI(object):
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ u"""
+ Abstract kernel-doc translator.
+ :cvar list cls.HIGHLIGHT_MAP: highlight mapping
+ :cvar tuple cls.LINE_COMMENT: tuple with start-/end- comment tags
+ """
+ ( type_constant , None )
+ , ( type_func , None )
+ , ( type_param , None )
+ , ( type_struct_full , None )
+ , ( type_struct , None )
+ , ( type_enum_full , None )
+ , ( type_env , None )
+ , ( type_member_func , None )
+ , ( type_member , None )
+ , ]
+ LINE_COMMENT = ("# ", "")
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.options = None
+ self.parser = None
+ self.dumped_names = []
+ self.translated_names = set()
+ def setParser(self, parser):
+ self.parser = parser
+ self.dumped_names = []
+ def setOptions(self, options):
+ self.options = options
+ def highlight(self, cont):
+ u"""returns *highlighted* text"""
+ if self.options.highlight:
+ return map_text(cont, self.HIGHLIGHT_MAP)
+ return cont
+ def get_preamble(self):
+ retVal = ""
+ if self.options.preamble == "":
+ retVal = self.comment("src-file: %s" % (self.options.rel_fname or self.options.fname))
+ elif self.options.preamble:
+ retVal = self.options.preamble % self
+ return retVal
+ def get_epilog(self):
+ retVal = ""
+ if self.options.epilog == "":
+ retVal = self.comment(
+ "\nThis file was automatic generated / don't edit.")
+ elif self.options.epilog:
+ retVal = self.options.epilog % self
+ return retVal
+ @classmethod
+ def comment(cls, cont):
+ u"""returns *commented* text"""
+ start, end = cls.LINE_COMMENT
+ if not start and not end:
+ return cont
+ retVal = []
+ for line in cont.split("\n"):
+ if line.strip():
+ retVal.append(start + line + end)
+ else:
+ retVal.append("")
+ return "\n".join(retVal)
+ def write(self, *objects):
+ u"""Write *objects* to stream.
+ Write Unicode-values of the *objects* to :py:attr:``self.options.out``.
+ :param objects: The positional arguments are the objects with the
+ content to write.
+ """
+ for obj in objects:
+ cont = six.text_type(obj)
+ self.options.out.write(cont)
+ def write_comment(self, *objects):
+ u"""Write *objects* as comments to stream."""
+ for obj in objects:
+ cont = six.text_type(obj)
+ self.write(self.comment(cont))
+ def eof(self):
+ if self.options.eof_newline:
+ self.write("\n")
+ # API
+ # ---
+ def output_preamble(self):
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def output_epilog(self):
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def output_DOC(
+ self
+ , sections = None # ctx.sections
+ , ):
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def output_function_decl(
+ self
+ , function = None # ctx.decl_name
+ , return_type = None # ctx.return_type
+ , parameterlist = None # ctx.parameterlist
+ , parameterdescs = None # ctx.parameterdescs
+ , parametertypes = None # ctx.parametertypes
+ , sections = None # ctx.sections
+ , purpose = None # ctx.decl_purpose
+ , ):
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def output_struct_decl(
+ self
+ , decl_name = None # ctx.decl_name
+ , decl_type = None # ctx.decl_type
+ , parameterlist = None # ctx.parameterlist
+ , parameterdescs = None # ctx.parameterdescs
+ , parametertypes = None # ctx.parametertypes
+ , sections = None # ctx.sections
+ , purpose = None # ctx.decl_purpose
+ , ):
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def output_union_decl(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ self.output_struct_decl(*args, **kwargs)
+ def output_enum_decl(
+ self
+ , enum = None # ctx.decl_name
+ , parameterlist = None # ctx.parameterlist
+ , parameterdescs = None # ctx.parameterdescs
+ , sections = None # ctx.sections
+ , purpose = None # ctx.decl_purpose
+ , ):
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def output_typedef_decl(
+ self
+ , typedef = None # ctx.decl_name
+ , sections = None # ctx.sections
+ , purpose = None # ctx.decl_purpose
+ , ):
+ raise NotImplementedError
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class NullTranslator(TranslatorAPI):
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ u"""
+ Null translator, translates nothing, just parse.
+ """
+ LINE_COMMENT = ("", "")
+ def output_preamble(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ pass
+ def output_epilog(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ pass
+ def output_DOC(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ pass
+ def output_function_decl(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ pass
+ def output_struct_decl(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ pass
+ def output_union_decl(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ pass
+ def output_enum_decl(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ pass
+ def output_typedef_decl(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ pass
+ def eof(self):
+ pass
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class ListTranslator(TranslatorAPI):
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ u"""
+ Generates a list of kernel-doc symbols.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, list_exported, list_internal_types
+ , *args, **kwargs):
+ super(ListTranslator, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+ self.list_exported = list_exported
+ self.list_internal_types = list_internal_types
+ self.names = dict()
+ for t in Parser.DOC_TYPES:
+ self.names[t] = []
+ def get_type(self, name):
+ for t, l in self.names.items():
+ if name in l:
+ return t
+ return None
+ def output_preamble(self):
+ pass
+ def output_epilog(self):
+ pass
+ def output_DOC(self, sections = None):
+ for header in sections.keys():
+ self.names["DOC"].append(header)
+ def output_function_decl(self, **kwargs):
+ self.names["function"].append(kwargs["function"])
+ def output_struct_decl(self, **kwargs):
+ self.names["struct"].append(kwargs["decl_name"])
+ def output_union_decl(self, **kwargs):
+ self.names["union"].append(kwargs["decl_name"])
+ def output_enum_decl(self, **kwargs):
+ self.names["enum"].append(kwargs["enum"])
+ def output_typedef_decl(self, **kwargs):
+ self.names["typedef"].append(kwargs["typedef"])
+ def eof(self):
+ if self.list_exported:
+ self.parser.info("list exported symbols")
+ for name in self.parser.ctx.exported_symbols:
+ t = self.get_type(name)
+ if t is None:
+ self.parser.warn("exported symbol '%(name)s' is undocumented"
+ , name = name)
+ t = "undocumented"
+ self.write("[exported %-14s] %s \n" % (t, name))
+ if self.list_internal_types:
+ self.parser.info("list internal names")
+ for t, l in self.names.items():
+ if not ("all" in self.list_internal_types
+ or t in self.list_internal_types):
+ continue
+ for name in l:
+ if name not in self.parser.ctx.exported_symbols:
+ self.write("[internal %-10s] %s \n" % (t, name))
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class ReSTTranslator(TranslatorAPI):
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ u"""
+ Translate kernel-doc to reST markup.
+ :cvar list HIGHLIGHT_map: Escape common reST (in-line) markups. Classic
+ kernel-doc comments contain characters and strings like ``*`` or
+ trailing ``_``, which are in-line markups in reST. These special strings
+ has to be masked in reST.
+ """
+ INDENT = " "
+ LINE_COMMENT = (".. ", "")
+ # the regexpr are partial *overlapping*, mind the order!
+ ( type_enum_full , r"\ :c:type:`\1 \2 <\2>`\ " )
+ , ( type_struct_full , r"\ :c:type:`\1 \2 <\2>`\ " )
+ , ( type_typedef_full, r"\ :c:type:`\1 \2 <\2>`\ " )
+ , ( type_union_full , r"\ :c:type:`\1 \2 <\2>`\ " )
+ , ( type_member_func , r"\ :c:type:`\1\2() <\1>`\ " )
+ , ( type_member , r"\ :c:type:`\1\2 <\1>`\ " )
+ , ( type_func , r"\ :c:func:`\1`\ ")
+ , ( type_constant , r"\ ``\1``\ " )
+ , ( type_param , r"\ ``\1``\ " )
+ , ( type_env , r"\ ``\1``\ " )
+ , ( type_struct , r"\ :c:type:`struct \1 <\1>`\ ")
+ # at least replace escaped %, & and $
+ , ( esc_type_prefix , r"\1")
+ , ]
+ (RE(r"(\w)_([\s\*])") , r"\1\\_\2") # trailing underline
+ , (RE(r"([\s\*])_(\w)"), r"\1\\_\2") # leading underline
+ , (RE(r"(\*)") , r"\\\1") # emphasis
+ , (RE(r"(`)") , r"\\\1") # interpreted text & inline literals
+ , (RE(r"(\|)") , r"\\\1") # substitution references
+ , ]
+ FUNC_PTR = RE(r"([^\(]*\(\*)\s*\)\s*\(([^\)]*)\)")
+ BITFIELD = RE(r"^(.*?)\s*(:.*)")
+ def highlight(self, text):
+ if self.options.markup == "kernel-doc":
+ text = map_text(text, self.MASK_REST_INLINES + self.HIGHLIGHT_MAP )
+ elif self.options.markup == "reST":
+ text = map_text(text, self.HIGHLIGHT_MAP )
+ return text
+ def format_block(self, content):
+ u"""format the content (string)"""
+ lines = []
+ if self.options.markup == "kernel-doc":
+ lines = [ l.strip() for l in content.split("\n")]
+ elif self.options.markup == "reST":
+ lines = [ l.rstrip() for l in content.split("\n")]
+ return "\n".join(lines)
+ def write_anchor(self, refname):
+ ID = refname
+ if self.options.id_prefix:
+ ID = self.options.id_prefix + "." + ID
+ ID = normalize_id(ID)
+ self.write("\n.. _`%s`:\n" % ID)
+ "#" # level 0 / part with overline
+ "=" # level 1 / chapter with overline
+ "=" # level 2 / sec
+ "-" # level 3 / subsec
+ "-" # level 4 / subsubsec
+ '"' ) # level 5 / para
+ def write_header(self, header, sec_level=2):
+ header = self.highlight(header)
+ sectag = self.HEADER_TAGS[sec_level]
+ if sec_level < 2:
+ self.write("\n", (sectag * len(header)))
+ self.write("\n%s" % header)
+ self.write("\n", (sectag * len(header)), "\n")
+ def write_section(self, header, content, sec_level=2, ID=None):
+ if not self.options.no_header:
+ if ID:
+ self.write_anchor(ID)
+ self.write_header(header, sec_level=sec_level)
+ if header.lower() == "example":
+ self.write("\n.. code-block:: c\n\n")
+ for l in textwrap.dedent(content).split("\n"):
+ if not l.strip():
+ self.write("\n")
+ else:
+ self.write(self.INDENT, l, "\n")
+ else:
+ content = self.format_block(content)
+ content = self.highlight(content)
+ self.write("\n" + content)
+ self.write("\n")
+ def write_definition(self, term, definition, prefix=""):
+ term = normalize_ws(term) # term has to be a "one-liner"
+ term = self.highlight(term)
+ if definition != Parser.undescribed:
+ definition = self.format_block(definition)
+ definition = self.highlight(definition)
+ self.write("\n", prefix, term)
+ for l in textwrap.dedent(definition).split("\n"):
+ self.write("\n", prefix)
+ if l.strip():
+ self.write(self.INDENT, l)
+ self.write("\n")
+ def write_func_param(self, param, descr):
+ param = param.replace("*", r"\*")
+ self.write("\n", self.INDENT, param)
+ if descr != Parser.undescribed:
+ descr = self.format_block(descr)
+ descr = self.highlight(descr)
+ for l in textwrap.dedent(descr).split("\n"):
+ self.write("\n")
+ if l.strip():
+ self.write(self.INDENT * 2, l)
+ self.write("\n")
+ def output_preamble(self):
+ self.parser.ctx.offset = 0
+ if self.options.mode_line:
+ self.write_comment(
+ "-*- coding: %s; mode: rst -*-\n"
+ % (getattr(self.options.out, "encoding", "utf-8") or "utf-8").lower())
+ preamble = self.get_preamble()
+ if preamble:
+ self.write(preamble, "\n")
+ if self.options.top_title:
+ self.write_anchor(self.options.top_title)
+ self.write_header(self.options.top_title, 0)
+ if self.options.top_link:
+ self.write("\n", self.options.top_link % self.options, "\n")
+ def output_epilog(self):
+ self.parser.ctx.offset = 0
+ epilog = self.get_epilog()
+ if epilog:
+ self.write(epilog, "\n")
+ def output_DOC(self, sections = None):
+ self.parser.ctx.offset = self.parser.ctx.decl_offset
+ for header, content in sections.items():
+ self.write_section(header, content, sec_level=2, ID=header)
+ def output_function_decl(
+ self
+ , function = None # ctx.decl_name
+ , return_type = None # ctx.return_type
+ , parameterlist = None # ctx.parameterlist
+ , parameterdescs = None # ctx.parameterdescs
+ , parametertypes = None # ctx.parametertypes
+ , sections = None # ctx.sections
+ , purpose = None # ctx.decl_purpose
+ , ):
+ self.parser.ctx.offset = self.parser.ctx.decl_offset
+ self.write_anchor(function)
+ self.write_header(function, sec_level=2)
+ if self.options.man_sect:
+ self.write("\n.. kernel-doc-man:: %s.%s\n" % (function, self.options.man_sect) )
+ # write function definition
+ self.write("\n.. c:function:: ")
+ if return_type and return_type.endswith("*"):
+ self.write(return_type, function, "(")
+ else:
+ self.write(return_type, " ", function, "(")
+ p_list = []
+ for p_name in parameterlist:
+ p_type = parametertypes[p_name]
+ if self.FUNC_PTR.search(p_type):
+ # pointer to function
+ p_list.append("%s%s)(%s)"
+ % (self.FUNC_PTR[0], p_name, self.FUNC_PTR[1]))
+ elif p_type.endswith("*"):
+ # pointer
+ p_list.append("%s%s" % (p_type, p_name))
+ else:
+ p_list.append("%s %s" % (p_type, p_name))
+ p_line = ", ".join(p_list)
+ self.write(p_line, ")\n")
+ # purpose
+ if purpose:
+ self.write("\n", self.INDENT, self.highlight(purpose), "\n")
+ # parameter descriptions
+ for p_name in parameterlist:
+ p_type = parametertypes[p_name]
+ p_name = re.sub(r"\[.*", "", p_name)
+ p_desc = parameterdescs[p_name]
+ param = ""
+ if self.FUNC_PTR.search(p_type):
+ # pointer to function
+ param = ":param %s%s)(%s):" % (self.FUNC_PTR[0], p_name, self.FUNC_PTR[1])
+ elif p_type.endswith("*"):
+ # pointer & pointer to pointer
+ param = ":param %s%s:" % (p_type, p_name)
+ elif p_name == "...":
+ param = ":param %s :" % (p_name)
+ else:
+ param = ":param %s %s:" % (p_type, p_name)
+ self.parser.ctx.offset = parameterdescs.offsets.get(
+ p_name, self.parser.ctx.offset)
+ self.write_func_param(param, p_desc)
+ # print all the @foo.bar sub-descriptions
+ sub_descr = [x for x in parameterdescs.keys() if x.startswith(p_name + ".")]
+ for p_name in sub_descr:
+ p_desc = parameterdescs.get(p_name, None)
+ self.parser.ctx.offset = parameterdescs.offsets.get(
+ p_name, self.parser.ctx.offset)
+ self.write_definition(p_name, p_desc)
+ # sections
+ for header, content in sections.items():
+ self.parser.ctx.offset = sections.offsets[header]
+ self.write_section(
+ header
+ , content
+ , sec_level = 3
+ , ID = function + "." + header)
+ def output_struct_decl(
+ self
+ , decl_name = None # ctx.decl_name
+ , decl_type = None # ctx.decl_type
+ , parameterlist = None # ctx.parameterlist
+ , parameterdescs = None # ctx.parameterdescs
+ , parametertypes = None # ctx.parametertypes
+ , sections = None # ctx.sections
+ , purpose = None # ctx.decl_purpose
+ , ):
+ self.parser.ctx.offset = self.parser.ctx.decl_offset
+ self.write_anchor(decl_name)
+ self.write_header("%s %s" % (decl_type, decl_name), sec_level=2)
+ if self.options.man_sect:
+ self.write("\n.. kernel-doc-man:: %s.%s\n" % (decl_name, self.options.man_sect) )
+ # write struct definition
+ # see https://github.com/sphinx-doc/sphinx/issues/2713
+ self.write("\n.. c:type:: struct %s\n\n" % decl_name)
+ # purpose
+ if purpose:
+ self.write(self.INDENT, self.highlight(purpose), "\n")
+ # definition
+ self.write_anchor(decl_name + "." + Parser.section_def)
+ self.write_header(Parser.section_def, sec_level=3)
+ self.write("\n.. code-block:: c\n\n")
+ self.write(self.INDENT, decl_type, " ", decl_name, " {\n")
+ for p_name in parameterlist:
+ p_type = parametertypes[p_name]
+ if MACRO.match(p_name):
+ self.write(self.INDENT, "%s\n" % p_name)
+ elif self.FUNC_PTR.search(p_type):
+ # pointer to function
+ self.write(
+ self.INDENT * 2
+ , "%s%s)(%s);\n" % (self.FUNC_PTR[0], p_name, self.FUNC_PTR[1]))
+ elif self.BITFIELD.match(p_type):
+ self.write(
+ self.INDENT * 2
+ , "%s %s%s;\n" % (self.BITFIELD[0], p_name, self.BITFIELD[1]))
+ elif p_type.endswith("*"):
+ # pointer
+ self.write(
+ self.INDENT * 2
+ , "%s%s;\n" % (p_type, p_name))
+ else:
+ self.write(
+ self.INDENT * 2
+ , "%s %s;\n" % (p_type, p_name))
+ self.write(self.INDENT, "}\n")
+ # member description
+ self.write_anchor(decl_name + "." + Parser.section_members)
+ self.write_header(Parser.section_members, sec_level=3)
+ for p_name in parameterlist:
+ if MACRO.match(p_name):
+ continue
+ p_name = re.sub(r"\[.*", "", p_name)
+ p_desc = parameterdescs.get(p_name, None)
+ if p_desc is not None:
+ self.parser.ctx.offset = parameterdescs.offsets.get(
+ p_name, self.parser.ctx.offset)
+ self.write_definition(p_name, p_desc)
+ # print all the @foo.bar sub-descriptions
+ sub_descr = [x for x in parameterdescs.keys() if x.startswith(p_name + ".")]
+ for p_name in sub_descr:
+ p_desc = parameterdescs.get(p_name, None)
+ self.parser.ctx.offset = parameterdescs.offsets.get(
+ p_name, self.parser.ctx.offset)
+ self.write_definition(p_name, p_desc)
+ # sections
+ for header, content in sections.items():
+ self.parser.ctx.offset = sections.offsets[header]
+ self.write_section(
+ header
+ , content
+ , sec_level = 3
+ , ID = decl_name + "." + header)
+ def output_enum_decl(
+ self
+ , enum = None # ctx.decl_name
+ , parameterlist = None # ctx.parameterlist
+ , parameterdescs = None # ctx.parameterdescs
+ , sections = None # ctx.sections
+ , purpose = None # ctx.decl_purpose
+ , ):
+ self.parser.ctx.offset = self.parser.ctx.decl_offset
+ self.write_anchor(enum)
+ self.write_header("enum %s" % enum, sec_level=2)
+ if self.options.man_sect:
+ self.write("\n.. kernel-doc-man:: %s.%s\n" % (enum, self.options.man_sect) )
+ # write union definition
+ # see https://github.com/sphinx-doc/sphinx/issues/2713
+ self.write("\n.. c:type:: enum %s\n\n" % enum)
+ # purpose
+ if purpose:
+ self.write(self.INDENT, self.highlight(purpose), "\n")
+ # definition
+ self.write_anchor(enum + "." + Parser.section_def)
+ self.write_header(Parser.section_def, sec_level=3)
+ self.write("\n.. code-block:: c\n\n")
+ self.write(self.INDENT, "enum ", enum, " {")
+ e_list = parameterlist[:]
+ while e_list:
+ e = e_list.pop(0)
+ if MACRO.match(e):
+ self.write("\n", self.INDENT, e)
+ else:
+ self.write("\n", self.INDENT * 2, e)
+ if e_list:
+ self.write(",")
+ self.write("\n", self.INDENT, "};\n")
+ # constants description
+ self.write_anchor(enum + "." + Parser.section_constants)
+ self.write_header(Parser.section_constants, sec_level=3)
+ for p_name in parameterlist:
+ p_desc = parameterdescs.get(p_name, None)
+ self.parser.ctx.offset = parameterdescs.offsets.get(
+ p_name, self.parser.ctx.offset)
+ if p_desc is None:
+ continue
+ self.write_definition(p_name, p_desc)
+ # sections
+ for header, content in sections.items():
+ self.parser.ctx.offset = sections.offsets[header]
+ self.write_section(
+ header
+ , content or "???"
+ , sec_level = 3
+ , ID = enum + "." + header)
+ def output_typedef_decl(
+ self
+ , typedef = None # ctx.decl_name
+ , sections = None # ctx.sections
+ , purpose = None # ctx.decl_purpose
+ , ):
+ self.parser.ctx.offset = self.parser.ctx.decl_offset
+ self.write_anchor(typedef)
+ self.write_header("typedef %s" % typedef, sec_level=2)
+ if self.options.man_sect:
+ self.write("\n.. kernel-doc-man:: %s.%s\n" % (typedef, self.options.man_sect) )
+ # write typdef definition
+ # see https://github.com/sphinx-doc/sphinx/issues/2713
+ self.write("\n.. c:type:: typedef %s\n\n" % typedef)
+ if purpose:
+ self.write(self.INDENT, self.highlight(purpose), "\n")
+ for header, content in sections.items():
+ self.parser.ctx.offset = sections.offsets[header]
+ self.write_section(
+ header
+ , content or "???"
+ , sec_level = 3
+ , ID = typedef + "." + header)
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class ParseOptions(Container):
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ PARSE_OPTION_RE = r"^/\*+\s*parse-%s:\s*([a-zA-Z0-9_-]*?)\s*\*/+\s*$"
+ ("highlight", ["on","off"], "setOnOff")
+ , ("INSPECT", ["on","off"], "setINSPECT")
+ , ("markup", ["reST", "kernel-doc"], "setVal")
+ , ("SNIP", [], "setVal")
+ , ("SNAP", [], "snap")
+ , ]
+ def dumpOptions(self):
+ # dumps options which are variable from parsing source-code
+ return dict(
+ highlight = self.highlight
+ , markup = self.markup )
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ self.id_prefix = None # A prefix for generated IDs.
+ self.out = None # File descriptor for output.
+ self.eof_newline = True # write newline on end of file
+ self.src_tree = SRCTREE # root of the kernel sources
+ self.rel_fname = "" # pathname relative to src_tree
+ self.fname = "" # absolute pathname
+ # self.encoding: the input encoding (encoding of the parsed source
+ # file), the output encoding could be seek from the file-descriptor at
+ # self.out.
+ self.encoding = "utf-8"
+ self.tab_width = 8 # tab-stops every n chars
+ # control which content to print
+ self.use_names = [] # positive list of names to print / empty list means "print all"
+ self.skip_names = [] # negative list of names (not to print)
+ self.use_all_docs = False # True/False print all "DOC:" sections
+ self.no_header = False # skip section header
+ self.error_missing = True # report missing names as errors / else warning
+ self.verbose_warn = True # more warn messages
+ # self.gather_context: [True/False] Scan additional context from the
+ # parsed source. E.g.: The list of exported symbols is a part of the
+ # parser's context. If the context of exported symbols is needed, we
+ # have to parse twice. First to find exported symbols, store them in the
+ # context and a second once for *normal* parsing within this modified
+ # *context*.
+ self.gather_context = False
+ # epilog / preamble
+ self.skip_preamble = False
+ self.skip_epilog = False
+ self.mode_line = True # write mode-line in the very first line
+ self.top_title = "" # write a title on top of the preamble
+ self.top_link = "" # if top_title, add link to the *top* of the preamble
+ self.preamble = "" # additional text placed into the preamble
+ self.epilog = "" # text placed into the epilog
+ # default's of filtered PARSE_OPTIONS
+ self.opt_filters = dict()
+ self.markup = "reST"
+ self.highlight = True # switch highlighting on/off
+ self.man_sect = None # insert ".. kernel-doc-man:" directive, section no self.man_sect
+ self.add_filters(self.PARSE_OPTIONS)
+ self.SNIP = None
+ super(ParseOptions, self).__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
+ # absolute and relativ filename
+ if self.src_tree and self.fname and os.path.isabs(self.fname):
+ # if SCRTREE and abspath fname is given, determine relativ pathname
+ self.rel_fname = os.path.relpath(self.fname, self.src_tree)
+ if self.src_tree and self.fname and not os.path.isabs(self.fname):
+ # if SCRTREE and relative fname is given, drop fname and set rel_fname
+ self.rel_fname = self.fname
+ self.fname = ""
+ if self.src_tree and self.rel_fname:
+ self.fname = os.path.join(self.src_tree, self.rel_fname)
+ else:
+ LOG.warn("no relative pathname given / no SRCTREE: "
+ " features based on these settings might not work"
+ " as expected!")
+ if not self.fname:
+ LOG.error("no source file given!")
+ else:
+ self.fname = os.path.abspath(self.fname)
+ def set_defaults(self):
+ # default top title and top link
+ if self.fname and self.top_title == "":
+ self.top_title = os.path.basename(self.fname)
+ if self.top_title:
+ self.top_title = self.top_title % self
+ if self.top_link == "":
+ if self.rel_fname:
+ self.top_link = GIT_REF % self
+ else:
+ LOG.warn("missing SRCTREE, can't set *top_link* option")
+ if self.top_link:
+ self.top_link = self.top_link % self
+ def add_filters(self, parse_options):
+ def setINSPECT(name, val): # pylint: disable=W0613
+ global INSPECT # pylint: disable=W0603
+ INSPECT = bool(val == "on")
+ _actions = dict(
+ setOnOff = lambda name, val: ( name, bool(val == "on") )
+ , setVal = lambda name, val: ( name, val )
+ , snap = lambda name, val: ( "SNIP", "" )
+ , )
+ for option, val_list, action in parse_options:
+ self.opt_filters[option] = (
+ RE(self.PARSE_OPTION_RE % option), val_list, _actions[action])
+ def filter_opt(self, line, parser):
+ for name, (regexpr, val_list, action) in self.opt_filters.items():
+ if regexpr.match(line):
+ line = None
+ value = regexpr[0]
+ if val_list and value not in val_list:
+ parser.error("unknown parse-%(name)s value: '%(value)s'"
+ , name=name, value=value)
+ else:
+ opt_val = action(name, value)
+ if opt_val is not None:
+ name, value = opt_val
+ self[name] = value
+ parser.info(
+ "set parse-option: %(name)s = '%(value)s'"
+ , name=name, value=value)
+ break
+ return line
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class ParserContext(Container):
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def dumpCtx(self):
+ # dumps options which are variable from parsing source-code
+ return dict(
+ decl_offset = self.decl_offset )
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ self.line_no = 0
+ self.contents = ""
+ self.section = Parser.section_default
+ # self.sections: ordered dictionary (list) of sections as they appear in
+ # the source. The sections are set by Parser.dump_section
+ self.sections = collections.OrderedDict()
+ self.sectcheck = []
+ self.prototype = ""
+ self.last_identifier = ""
+ # self.parameterlist: ordered list of the parameters as they appear in
+ # the source. The parameter-list is set by Parser.push_parameter and
+ # Parser.dump_enum
+ self.parameterlist = []
+ # self.parametertypes: dictionary of <parameter-name>:<type>
+ # key/values of the parameters. Set by Parser.push_parameter
+ self.parametertypes = dict()
+ # self.parameterdescs: dictionary of <'@parameter'>:<description>
+ # key/values of the parameters. Set by Parser.dump_section
+ self.parameterdescs = collections.OrderedDict()
+ # self.constants: dictionary of <'%CONST'>:<description>
+ # key/values. Set by Parser.dump_section
+ self.constants = dict()
+ self.decl_name = ""
+ self.decl_type = "" # [struct|union|enum|typedef|function]
+ self.decl_purpose = ""
+ self.return_type = ""
+ #self.struct_actual = ""
+ # Additional context from the parsed source
+ # self.exported: list of exported symbols
+ self.exported_symbols = []
+ # self.mod_xxx: Module informations
+ self.mod_authors = []
+ self.mod_descr = ""
+ self.mod_license = ""
+ self.snippets = collections.OrderedDict()
+ # the place, where type dumps are stored
+ self.dump_storage = []
+ # memo line numbers
+ self.offset = 0
+ self.last_offset = 0
+ self.decl_offset = 0
+ self.sections.offsets = dict()
+ self.parameterdescs.offsets = dict()
+ super(ParserContext, self).__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
+ def new(self):
+ return self.__class__(
+ line_no = self.line_no
+ , exported_symbols = self.exported_symbols
+ , snippets = self.snippets
+ , dump_storage = self.dump_storage )
+class ParserBuggy(RuntimeError):
+ u"""Exception raised when the parser implementation seems buggy.
+ The parser implementation perform some integrity tests at runtime. This
+ exception type mainly exists to improve the regular expressions which are
+ used to parse and analyze the kernels source code.
+ In the exception message the last position the parser parsed is stored, this
+ position may, but does not need to be related with the exception (it is only
+ an additional information which might help).
+ Under normal circumstances, exceptions of this type should never arise,
+ unless the implementation of the parser is buggy."""
+ def __init__(self, parserObj, message):
+ message = ("last parse position %s:%s\n"
+ % (parserObj.ctx.line_no, parserObj.options.fname)
+ + message)
+ super(ParserBuggy, self).__init__(message)
+ self.parserObj = parserObj
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class Parser(SimpleLog):
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ u"""
+ kernel-doc comments parser
+ States:
+ * 0 - normal code
+ * 1 - looking for function name
+ * 2 - scanning field start.
+ * 3 - scanning prototype.
+ * 4 - documentation block
+ * 5 - gathering documentation outside main block (see Split Doc State)
+ Split Doc States:
+ * 0 - Invalid (Before start or after finish)
+ * 1 - Is started (the /\\*\\* was found inside a struct)
+ * 2 - The @parameter header was found, start accepting multi paragraph text.
+ * 3 - Finished (the \\*/ was found)
+ * 4 - Error: Comment without header was found. Spit a error as it's not
+ proper kernel-doc and ignore the rest.
+ """
+ LOG_FORMAT = "%(fname)s:%(line_no)s: :%(logclass)s: %(message)s\n"
+ # DOC_TYPES: types of documentation gathered by the parser
+ DOC_TYPES = ["DOC", "function", "struct", "union", "enum", "typedef"]
+ undescribed = "*undescribed*"
+ section_descr = "Description"
+ section_def = "Definition"
+ section_members = "Members"
+ section_constants = "Constants"
+ section_intro = "Introduction"
+ section_context = "Context"
+ section_return = "Return"
+ section_default = section_descr
+ special_sections = [ section_descr
+ , section_def
+ , section_members
+ , section_constants
+ , section_context
+ , section_return ]
+ def __init__(self, options, translator):
+ super(Parser, self).__init__()
+ # raw data akku
+ self.rawdata = ""
+ # flags:
+ self.state = 0
+ self.split_doc_state = 0
+ self.in_doc_sect = False
+ self.in_purpose = False
+ self.brcount = 0
+ self.warnings = 0
+ self.errors = 0
+ self.anon_struct_union = False
+ self.options = None
+ self.translator = None
+ self.ctx = ParserContext()
+ self.setTranslator(translator)
+ self.setOptions(options)
+ def setTranslator(self, translator):
+ self.translator = translator
+ self.translator.setParser(self)
+ self.translator.setOptions(self.options)
+ def setOptions(self, options):
+ self.options = options
+ self.translator.setOptions(options)
+ def reset_state(self):
+ self.ctx = self.ctx.new()
+ self.state = 0
+ self.split_doc_state = 0
+ self.in_doc_sect = False
+ self.in_purpose = False
+ self.brcount = 0
+ self.anon_struct_union = False
+ # ------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Log
+ # ------------------------------------------------------------
+ def error(self, message, _line_no=None, **replace):
+ replace["fname"] = self.options.fname
+ replace["line_no"] = replace.get("line_no", self.ctx.line_no)
+ self.errors += 1
+ super(Parser, self).error(message, **replace)
+ def warn(self, message, _line_no=None, **replace):
+ replace["fname"] = self.options.fname
+ replace["line_no"] = replace.get("line_no", self.ctx.line_no)
+ self.warnings += 1
+ super(Parser, self).warn(message, **replace)
+ def info(self, message, _line_no=None, **replace):
+ replace["fname"] = self.options.fname
+ replace["line_no"] = replace.get("line_no", self.ctx.line_no)
+ super(Parser, self).info(message, **replace)
+ def debug(self, message, _line_no=None, **replace):
+ replace["fname"] = self.options.fname
+ replace["line_no"] = replace.get("line_no", self.ctx.line_no)
+ super(Parser, self).debug(message, **replace)
+ # ------------------------------------------------------------
+ # state parser
+ # ------------------------------------------------------------
+ @classmethod
+ def gather_context(cls, src, ctx):
+ u"""Scan source about context informations.
+ Scans *whole* source (e.g. :py:attr:`Parser.rawdata`) about data relevant
+ for the context (e.g. exported symbols).
+ Names of exported symbols gathered in :py:attr:`ParserContext.exported`.
+ The list contains names (symbols) which are exported using the
+ * ``EXPORT_SYMBOL(<name>)``
+ * ``EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(<name>)``
+ .. hint::
+ A exported symbol does not necessarily have a corresponding source code
+ comment with a documentation.
+ Module information comes from the ``MODULE_xxx`` macros. Module
+ informations are gathered in ``ParserContext.module_xxx``:
+ * ``MODULE_AUTHOR("...")``: Author entries are collected in a list in
+ :py:attr:`ParserContext.mod_authors`
+ * ``MODULE_DESCRIPTION("...")``: A concatenated string in
+ :py:attr:`ParserContext.mod_descr`
+ * ``MODULE_LICENSE("...")``: String with comma separated licenses in
+ :py:attr:`ParserContext.mod_license`.
+ .. hint::
+ While parsing header files, about kernel-doc, you will not find the
+ ``MODULE_xxx`` macros, because they are commonly used in the ".c"
+ files.
+ """
+ LOG.debug("gather_context() regExp: %(pattern)s", pattern=EXPORTED_SYMBOLS.pattern)
+ for match in EXPORTED_SYMBOLS.findall(src):
+ name = match[3]
+ LOG.info("exported symbol: %(name)s", name = name)
+ ctx.exported_symbols.append(name)
+ LOG.debug("gather_context() regExp: %(pattern)s", pattern=MODULE_INFO.pattern)
+ for match in MODULE_INFO.findall(src):
+ info_type = match[1]
+ content = match[2]
+ if info_type == "AUTHOR":
+ ctx.mod_authors.append(content)
+ elif info_type == "DESCRIPTION":
+ ctx.mod_descr += content + " "
+ elif info_type == "LICENSE":
+ ctx.mod_license += content + ", "
+ LOG.info("mod_authors: %(x)s", x = ctx.mod_authors)
+ LOG.info("mod_descr: %(x)s", x = ctx.mod_descr)
+ LOG.info("mod_license : %(x)s", x = ctx.mod_license)
+ def parse(self, src=None): # start parsing
+ self.dump_preamble()
+ if src is not None:
+ for line in src:
+ self.feed(line)
+ else:
+ with openTextFile(self.options.fname, encoding=self.options.encoding) as src:
+ for line in src:
+ self.feed(line)
+ self.dump_epilog()
+ self.translator.eof()
+ def parse_dump_storage(self, translator=None, options=None):
+ if options is not None:
+ self.setOptions(options)
+ if translator is not None:
+ self.setTranslator(translator)
+ self.dump_preamble()
+ for name, out_type, opts, ctx, kwargs in self.ctx.dump_storage:
+ self.options.update(opts)
+ self.ctx.update(ctx)
+ self.output_decl(name, out_type, **kwargs)
+ self.dump_epilog()
+ self.translator.eof()
+ def close(self): # end parsing
+ self.feed("", eof=True)
+ # log requested but missed documentation
+ log_missed = self.error
+ if not self.options.error_missing:
+ log_missed = self.warn
+ if isinstance(self.translator, NullTranslator):
+ # the NullTranslator does not translate / translated_names is
+ # empty
+ pass
+ elif isinstance(self.translator, ListTranslator):
+ self.parse_dump_storage()
+ else:
+ for name in self.options.use_names:
+ if name not in self.translator.translated_names:
+ log_missed("no documentation for '%(name)s' found", name=name)
+ if self.errors or self.warnings:
+ self.warn("total errors: %(errors)s / total warnings: %(warnings)s"
+ , errors=self.errors, warnings=self.warnings)
+ self.warnings -= 1
+ global INSPECT # pylint: disable=W0603
+ INSPECT = False
+ def feed(self, data, eof=False):
+ self.rawdata = self.rawdata + data
+ if self.options.gather_context:
+ # Scan additional context from the parsed source. For this, collect
+ # all lines in self.rawdata until EOF. On EOF, scan rawdata about
+ # (e.g.) exported symbols and after this, continue with the *normal*
+ # parsing.
+ if not eof:
+ return
+ else:
+ self.gather_context(self.rawdata, self.ctx)
+ lines = self.rawdata.split("\n")
+ if not eof:
+ # keep last line, until EOF
+ self.rawdata = lines[-1]
+ lines = lines[:-1]
+ for l in lines:
+ l = l.expandtabs(self.options.tab_width)
+ self.ctx.line_no += 1
+ l = self.options.filter_opt(l, self)
+ if l is None:
+ continue
+ if self.options.SNIP:
+ # record snippet
+ val = self.ctx.snippets.get(self.options.SNIP, "")
+ if val or l:
+ self.ctx.snippets[self.options.SNIP] = val + l + "\n"
+ state = getattr(self, "state_%s" % self.state)
+ try:
+ state(l)
+ except Exception as _exc:
+ self.warn("total errors: %(errors)s / warnings: %(warnings)s"
+ , errors=self.errors, warnings=self.warnings)
+ self.warnings -= 1
+ self.error("unhandled exception in line: %(l)s", l=l)
+ raise
+ def output_decl(self, name, out_type, **kwargs):
+ self.ctx.offset = self.ctx.decl_offset
+ if name in self.translator.dumped_names:
+ self.error("name '%s' used several times" % name)
+ self.translator.dumped_names.append(name)
+ if isinstance(self.translator, NullTranslator):
+ self.ctx.dump_storage.append(
+ ( name
+ , out_type
+ , self.options.dumpOptions()
+ , self.ctx.dumpCtx()
+ , copy.deepcopy(kwargs) ) )
+ return
+ do_translate = False
+ if name in self.options.skip_names:
+ do_translate = False
+ elif name in self.options.use_names:
+ do_translate = True
+ elif out_type != "DOC" and not self.options.use_names:
+ do_translate = True
+ elif out_type == "DOC" and self.options.use_all_docs:
+ do_translate = True
+ if do_translate:
+ self.translator.translated_names.add(name)
+ out_func = getattr(self.translator, "output_%s" % out_type)
+ out_func(**kwargs)
+ else:
+ self.debug("skip translation of %(t)s: '%(n)s'", t=out_type, n=name)
+ def state_0(self, line):
+ u"""state: 0 - normal code"""
+ if doc_start.match(line):
+ self.debug("START: kernel-doc comment / switch state 0 --> 1")
+ self.ctx.decl_offset = self.ctx.line_no + 1
+ self.state = 1
+ self.in_doc_sect = False
+ def state_1(self, line):
+ u"""state: 1 - looking for function name"""
+ if doc_block.match(line):
+ self.debug("START: DOC block / switch state 1 --> 4")
+ self.ctx.last_offset = self.ctx.line_no + 1
+ self.state = 4
+ self.ctx.contents = ""
+ self.ctx.section = self.section_intro
+ if doc_block[0].strip():
+ self.ctx.section = self.sect_title(doc_block[0])
+ self.info("DOC: %(sect)s", sect=self.ctx.section)
+ elif doc_decl.match(line):
+ self.debug("START: declaration / switch state 1 --> 2")
+ self.ctx.last_offset = self.ctx.line_no + 1
+ self.state = 2
+ identifier = doc_decl[0].strip()
+ self.ctx.decl_type = "function"
+ if doc_decl_ident.match(line):
+ identifier = doc_decl_ident[1]
+ self.ctx.decl_type = doc_decl_ident[0]
+ self.ctx.last_identifier = identifier.strip()
+ self.debug("FLAG: in_purpose=True")
+ self.in_purpose = True
+ self.info("scanning doc for: %(t)s '%(i)s'", t=self.ctx.decl_type, i = identifier)
+ self.ctx.decl_purpose = ""
+ if doc_decl_purpose.search(line):
+ self.ctx.decl_purpose = doc_decl_purpose[0].strip()
+ if not self.ctx.decl_purpose:
+ self.warn("missing initial short description of '%(i)s'"
+ , i=self.ctx.last_identifier)
+ else:
+ self.warn("can't understand: -->|%(line)s|<--"
+ " - I thought it was a doc line" , line=line)
+ self.state = 0
+ def sect_title(self, title):
+ u"""Normalize common section titles"""
+ # fix varius notations for the "Return:" section
+ retVal = title
+ if title.lower() in ["description", ]:
+ retVal = self.section_descr
+ elif title.lower() in ["introduction", "intro"]:
+ retVal = self.section_intro
+ elif title.lower() in ["context", ]:
+ retVal = self.section_context
+ elif title.lower() in ["return", "returns"]:
+ retVal = self.section_return
+ return retVal
+ def state_2(self, line):
+ u"""state: 2 - scanning field start. """
+ new_sect = ""
+ new_cont = ""
+ if not doc_sect_except.match(line):
+ # probe different sect start pattern ...
+ if self.options.markup == "reST":
+ if doc_sect_reST.match(line):
+ # this is a line with a parameter definition or vintage
+ # section "Context: lorem", "Return: lorem" etc.
+ new_sect = self.sect_title(doc_sect_reST[0].strip())
+ new_cont = doc_sect_reST[1].strip()
+ elif reST_sect.match(line):
+ # this is a line with a section definition "Section name:\n"
+ new_sect = self.sect_title(reST_sect[0].strip())
+ new_cont = ""
+ # Sub-sections in parameter descriptions are not provided,
+ # with the exception of special_sections names. To allow
+ # comments like:
+ # * @arg: lorem
+ # * Return: foo
+ if (new_sect
+ and self.ctx.section.startswith("@")
+ and not new_sect.startswith("@")
+ and not new_sect in self.special_sections ):
+ new_sect = ""
+ new_cont = ""
+ else: # kernel-doc vintage mode
+ if doc_sect.match(line):
+ # this is a line with a parameter or section definition
+ new_sect = self.sect_title(doc_sect[0].strip())
+ new_cont = doc_sect[1].strip()
+ if new_sect:
+ # a new section starts *here*
+ self.debug("found new section --> %(sect)s", sect=new_sect)
+ if self.ctx.contents.strip():
+ if not self.in_doc_sect:
+ self.warn("contents before sections '%(c)s'" , c=self.ctx.contents.strip())
+ self.dump_section(self.ctx.section, self.ctx.contents)
+ self.ctx.section = self.section_default
+ self.ctx.contents = ""
+ self.debug("new_sect: '%(sec)s' / desc: '%(desc)s'", sec = new_sect, desc = new_cont)
+ self.ctx.last_offset = self.ctx.line_no
+ self.in_doc_sect = True
+ self.in_purpose = False
+ self.debug("FLAGs: in_doc_sect=%(s)s / in_purpose=%(p)s", s=self.in_doc_sect, p=self.in_purpose)
+ self.ctx.section = new_sect
+ if new_cont:
+ self.ctx.contents = new_cont + "\n"
+ self.info("section: %(sec)s" , sec=self.ctx.section)
+ elif doc_end.search(line):
+ # end of the comment-block
+ if self.ctx.contents:
+ self.dump_section(self.ctx.section, self.ctx.contents)
+ self.ctx.section = self.section_default
+ self.ctx.contents = ""
+ # look for doc_com + <text> + doc_end:
+ if RE(doc_com.pattern + r"[a-zA-Z_0-9:\.]+" + doc_end.pattern).match(line):
+ self.warn("suspicious ending line")
+ self.ctx.prototype = ""
+ self.debug("END doc block / switch state 2 --> 3")
+ self.debug("end of doc comment, looking for prototype")
+ self.state = 3
+ self.brcount = 0
+ elif doc_content.match(line):
+ # a comment line with *content* of a section or a *purpose*
+ cont_line = doc_content[0]
+ if not cont_line.strip():
+ # it's a empty line
+ if self.in_purpose:
+ # empty line after short description (*purpose*) introduce the
+ # "Description" section
+ self.debug("found empty line in *purpose* --> start 'Description' section")
+ if self.ctx.contents.strip():
+ if not self.in_doc_sect:
+ self.warn("contents before sections '%(c)s'" , c=self.ctx.contents.strip())
+ self.dump_section(self.ctx.section, self.ctx.contents)
+ self.ctx.section = self.section_descr
+ self.ctx.contents = ""
+ self.in_doc_sect = True
+ self.in_purpose = False
+ self.debug("FLAGs: in_doc_sect=%(s)s / in_purpose=%(p)s", s=self.in_doc_sect, p=self.in_purpose)
+ elif (self.ctx.section.startswith("@")
+ or self.ctx.section == self.section_context):
+ # miguel-style comment kludge, look for blank lines after @parameter
+ # line to signify start of description
+ self.debug("blank lines after @parameter --> start 'Description' section")
+ self.dump_section(self.ctx.section, self.ctx.contents)
+ self.ctx.last_offset = self.ctx.line_no
+ self.ctx.section = self.section_descr
+ self.ctx.contents = ""
+ self.in_doc_sect = True
+ self.debug("FLAGs: in_doc_sect=%(s)s / in_purpose=%(p)s", s=self.in_doc_sect, p=self.in_purpose)
+ else:
+ self.ctx.contents += "\n"
+ elif self.in_purpose:
+ # Continued declaration purpose, dismiss leading whitespace
+ if self.ctx.decl_purpose:
+ self.ctx.decl_purpose += " " + cont_line.strip()
+ else:
+ self.ctx.decl_purpose = cont_line.strip()
+ else:
+ if (self.options.markup == "reST"
+ and self.ctx.section.startswith("@")):
+ # FIXME: I doubt if it is a good idea to strip leading
+ # whitespaces in parameter description, but *over all* we
+ # get better reST output.
+ cont_line = cont_line.strip()
+ # Sub-sections in parameter descriptions are not provided,
+ # but if this is a "lorem:\n" line create a new paragraph.
+ if reST_sect.match(line) and not doc_sect_except.match(line):
+ cont_line = "\n" + cont_line + "\n"
+ self.ctx.contents += cont_line + "\n"
+ else:
+ # i dont know - bad line? ignore.
+ self.warn("bad line: '%(line)s'", line = line.strip())
+ def state_3(self, line):
+ u"""state: 3 - scanning prototype."""
+ if line.startswith('typedef'):
+ if not self.ctx.decl_type == 'typedef':
+ self.warn(
+ "typedef of function pointer not marked"
+ " as typdef, use: 'typedef %s' in the comment."
+ % (self.ctx.last_identifier)
+ , line_no = self.ctx.decl_offset)
+ self.ctx.decl_type = 'typedef'
+ if doc_state5_oneline.match(line):
+ sect = doc_state5_oneline[0].strip()
+ cont = doc_state5_oneline[1].strip()
+ if cont and sect:
+ self.ctx.section = self.sect_title(sect)
+ self.ctx.contents = cont
+ self.dump_section(self.ctx.section, self.ctx.contents)
+ self.ctx.section = self.section_default
+ self.ctx.contents = ""
+ elif doc_state5_start.match(line):
+ self.debug("FLAG: split_doc_state=1 / switch state 3 --> 5")
+ self.state = 5
+ self.split_doc_state = 1
+ if self.ctx.decl_type == 'function':
+ self.error("odd construct, gathering documentation of a function"
+ " outside of the main block?!?")
+ elif (self.ctx.decl_type == 'function'):
+ self.process_state3_function(line)
+ else:
+ self.process_state3_type(line)
+ def state_4(self, line):
+ u"""state: 4 - documentation block"""
+ if doc_block.match(line):
+ # a new DOC block arrived, dump the last section and pass the new
+ # DOC block to state 1.
+ self.dump_DOC(self.ctx.section, self.ctx.contents)
+ self.ctx = self.ctx.new()
+ self.debug("END & START: DOC block / switch state 4 --> 1")
+ self.state = 1
+ self.state_1(line)
+ elif doc_end.match(line):
+ # the DOC block ends here, dump it and reset to state 0
+ self.debug("END: DOC block / dump doc section / switch state 4 --> 0")
+ self.dump_DOC(self.ctx.section, self.ctx.contents)
+ self.ctx = self.ctx.new()
+ self.state = 0
+ elif doc_content.match(line):
+ cont = doc_content[0]
+ if (not cont.strip() # dismiss leading newlines
+ and not self.ctx.contents):
+ pass
+ else:
+ self.ctx.contents += doc_content[0] + "\n"
+ def state_5(self, line):
+ u"""state: 5 - gathering documentation outside main block"""
+ if (self.split_doc_state == 1
+ and doc_state5_sect.match(line)):
+ # First line (split_doc_state 1) needs to be a @parameter
+ self.ctx.section = self.sect_title(doc_state5_sect[0].strip())
+ self.ctx.contents = doc_state5_sect[1].strip()
+ self.split_doc_state = 2
+ self.debug("SPLIT-DOC-START: '%(param)s' / split-state 1 --> 2"
+ , param = self.ctx.section)
+ self.ctx.last_offset = self.ctx.line_no
+ self.info("section: %(sec)s" , sec=self.ctx.section)
+ elif doc_state5_end.match(line):
+ # Documentation block end
+ self.debug("SPLIT-DOC-END: ...")
+ if not self.ctx.contents.strip():
+ self.debug("SPLIT-DOC-END: ... no description to dump")
+ else:
+ self.dump_section(self.ctx.section, self.ctx.contents)
+ self.ctx.section = self.section_default
+ self.ctx.contents = ""
+ self.debug("SPLIT-DOC-END: ... split-state --> 0 / state = 3")
+ self.state = 3
+ self.split_doc_state = 0
+ elif doc_content.match(line):
+ # Regular text
+ if self.split_doc_state == 2:
+ self.ctx.contents += doc_content[0] + "\n"
+ elif self.split_doc_state == 1:
+ self.split_doc_state = 4
+ self.error("Comment without header was found split-state --> 4")
+ self.warn("Incorrect use of kernel-doc format: %(line)s"
+ , line = line)
+ # ------------------------------------------------------------
+ # helper to parse special objects
+ # ------------------------------------------------------------
+ def process_state3_function(self, line):
+ self.debug("PROCESS-FUNCTION: %(line)s", line=line)
+ line = C99_comments.sub("", line) # strip C99-style comments to end of line
+ line = line.strip()
+ stripProto = RE(r"([^\{]*)")
+ # ?!?!? MACDOC does not exists (any more)?
+ # if ($x =~ m#\s*/\*\s+MACDOC\s*#io || ($x =~ /^#/ && $x !~ /^#\s*define/)) {
+ # do nothing
+ # }
+ if line.startswith("#") and not MACRO_define.search(line):
+ # do nothing
+ pass
+ elif stripProto.match(line):
+ self.ctx.prototype += " " + stripProto[0]
+ if (MACRO_define.search(line)
+ or "{" in line
+ or ";" in line ):
+ # strip cr&nl, strip C89 comments, strip leading whitespaces
+ self.ctx.prototype = C89_comments.sub(
+ "", CR_NL.sub(" ", self.ctx.prototype)).lstrip()
+ if SYSCALL_DEFINE.search(self.ctx.prototype):
+ self.ctx.prototype = self.syscall_munge(self.ctx.prototype)
+ if (TRACE_EVENT.search(self.ctx.prototype)
+ or DEFINE_EVENT.search(self.ctx.prototype)
+ or DEFINE_SINGLE_EVENT.search(self.ctx.prototype) ):
+ self.ctx.prototype = self.tracepoint_munge(self.ctx.prototype)
+ self.ctx.prototype = self.ctx.prototype.strip()
+ self.info("prototype --> '%(proto)s'", proto=self.ctx.prototype)
+ self.dump_function(self.ctx.prototype)
+ self.reset_state()
+ def syscall_munge(self, prototype):
+ self.debug("syscall munge: '%(prototype)s'" , prototype=prototype)
+ void = False
+ # strip needles whitespaces
+ prototype = normalize_ws(prototype)
+ if SYSCALL_DEFINE0.search(prototype):
+ void = True
+ prototype = SYSCALL_DEFINE.sub("long sys_", prototype)
+ if not self.ctx.last_identifier.startswith("sys_"):
+ self.ctx.last_identifier = "sys_%s" % self.ctx.last_identifier
+ if re.search(r"long (sys_.*?),", prototype):
+ prototype = prototype.replace(",", "(", 1)
+ elif void:
+ prototype = prototype.replace(")","(void)",1)
+ # now delete all of the odd-number commas in $prototype
+ # so that arg types & arg names don't have a comma between them
+ retVal = prototype
+ if not void:
+ x = prototype.split(",")
+ y = []
+ while x:
+ y.append(x.pop(0) + x.pop(0))
+ retVal = ",".join(y)
+ self.debug("syscall munge: retVal '%(retVal)s'" , retVal=retVal)
+ return retVal
+ def tracepoint_munge(self, prototype):
+ self.debug("tracepoint munge: %(prototype)s" , prototype=prototype)
+ retVal = prototype
+ tp_name = ""
+ tp_args = ""
+ if TRACE_EVENT_name.match(prototype):
+ tp_name = TRACE_EVENT_name[0]
+ elif DEFINE_SINGLE_EVENT_name.match(prototype):
+ tp_name = DEFINE_SINGLE_EVENT_name[0]
+ elif DEFINE_EVENT_name.match(prototype):
+ tp_name = DEFINE_EVENT_name[1]
+ tp_name = tp_name.lstrip()
+ if TP_PROTO.search(prototype):
+ tp_args = TP_PROTO[0]
+ if not tp_name.strip() or not tp_args.strip():
+ self.warn("Unrecognized tracepoint format: %(prototype)s"
+ , prototype=prototype)
+ else:
+ if not self.ctx.last_identifier.startswith("trace_"):
+ self.ctx.last_identifier = "trace_%s" % self.ctx.last_identifier
+ retVal = ("static inline void trace_%s(%s)"
+ % (tp_name, tp_args))
+ return retVal
+ def process_state3_type(self, line):
+ self.debug("PROCESS-TYPE: %(line)s", line=line)
+ # strip cr&nl, strip C99 comments, strip leading&trailing whitespaces
+ line = C99_comments.sub("", CR_NL.sub(" ", line)).strip()
+ if MACRO.match(line):
+ # To distinguish preprocessor directive from regular declaration
+ # later.
+ line += ";"
+ m = RE(r"([^{};]*)([{};])(.*)")
+ while True:
+ if m.search(line):
+ self.ctx.prototype += m[0] + m[1]
+ if m[1] == "{":
+ self.brcount += 1
+ if m[1] == "}":
+ self.brcount -= 1
+ if m[1] == ";" and self.brcount == 0:
+ self.info("prototype --> '%(proto)s'", proto=self.ctx.prototype)
+ self.debug("decl_type: %(decl_type)s", decl_type=self.ctx.decl_type)
+ if self.ctx.decl_type == "union":
+ self.dump_union(self.ctx.prototype)
+ elif self.ctx.decl_type == "struct":
+ self.dump_struct(self.ctx.prototype)
+ elif self.ctx.decl_type == "enum":
+ self.dump_enum(self.ctx.prototype)
+ elif self.ctx.decl_type == "typedef":
+ self.dump_typedef(self.ctx.prototype)
+ else:
+ raise ParserBuggy(
+ self, "unknown decl_type: %s" % self.ctx.decl_type)
+ self.reset_state()
+ break
+ line = m[2]
+ else:
+ self.ctx.prototype += line
+ break
+ # ------------------------------------------------------------
+ # dump objects
+ # ------------------------------------------------------------
+ def dump_preamble(self):
+ if not self.options.skip_preamble:
+ self.translator.output_preamble()
+ def dump_epilog(self):
+ if not self.options.skip_epilog:
+ self.translator.output_epilog()
+ def dump_section(self, name, cont):
+ u"""Store section's *content* under it's name.
+ :param str name: name of the section
+ :param str cont: content of the section
+ Stores the *content* under section's *name* in one of the *container*. A
+ container is a hash object, the section name is the *key* and the
+ content is the *value*.
+ Container:
+ * self.ctx.constants: holds constant's descriptions
+ * self.ctx.parameterdescs: holds parameter's descriptions
+ * self.ctx.sections: holds common sections like "Return:"
+ There are the following contai
+ """
+ self.debug("dump_section(): %(name)s", name = name)
+ name = name.strip()
+ cont = cont.rstrip() # dismiss trailing whitespace
+ # FIXME: sections with '%CONST' prefix no longer exists
+ # _type_constant = RE(r"\%([-_\w]+)")
+ #if _type_constant.match(name): # '%CONST' - name of a constant.
+ # name = _type_constant[0]
+ # self.debug("constant section '%(name)s'", name = name)
+ # if self.ctx.constants.get(name, None):
+ # self.error("duplicate constant definition '%(name)s'"
+ # , name = name)
+ # self.ctx.constants[name] = cont
+ _type_param = RE(r"\@(\w[.\w]*)") # match @foo and @foo.bar
+ if _type_param.match(name): # '@parameter' - name of a parameter
+ name = _type_param[0]
+ self.debug("parameter definition '%(name)s'", name = name)
+ if self.ctx.parameterdescs.get(name, None):
+ self.error("duplicate parameter definition '%(name)s'"
+ , name = name, line_no = self.ctx.last_offset )
+ self.ctx.parameterdescs[name] = cont
+ self.ctx.parameterdescs.offsets[name] = self.ctx.last_offset
+ self.ctx.sectcheck.append(name)
+ elif name == "@...":
+ self.debug("parameter definiton '...'")
+ name = "..."
+ if self.ctx.parameterdescs.get(name, None):
+ self.error("parameter definiton '...'"
+ , line_no = self.ctx.last_offset )
+ self.ctx.parameterdescs[name] = cont
+ self.ctx.parameterdescs.offsets[name] = self.ctx.last_offset
+ self.ctx.sectcheck.append(name)
+ else:
+ self.debug("other section '%(name)s'", name = name)
+ if self.ctx.sections.get(name, None):
+ self.warn("duplicate section name '%(name)s'"
+ , name = name, line_no = self.ctx.last_offset )
+ self.ctx.sections[name] += "\n\n" + cont
+ else:
+ self.ctx.sections[name] = cont
+ self.ctx.sections.offsets[name] = self.ctx.last_offset
+ def dump_function(self, proto):
+ self.debug("dump_function(): (1) '%(proto)s'", proto=proto)
+ hasRetVal = True
+ proto = re.sub( r"^static +" , "", proto )
+ proto = re.sub( r"^extern +" , "", proto )
+ proto = re.sub( r"^asmlinkage +" , "", proto )
+ proto = re.sub( r"^inline +" , "", proto )
+ proto = re.sub( r"^__inline__ +" , "", proto )
+ proto = re.sub( r"^__inline +" , "", proto )
+ proto = re.sub( r"^__always_inline +", "", proto )
+ proto = re.sub( r"^noinline +" , "", proto )
+ proto = re.sub( r"__init +" , "", proto )
+ proto = re.sub( r"__init_or_module +", "", proto )
+ proto = re.sub( r"__meminit +" , "", proto )
+ proto = re.sub( r"__must_check +" , "", proto )
+ proto = re.sub( r"__weak +" , "", proto )
+ define = bool(MACRO_define.match(proto))
+ proto = MACRO_define.sub("", proto )
+ proto = re.sub( r"__attribute__\s*\(\("
+ r"(?:"
+ r"[\w\s]+" # attribute name
+ r"(?:\([^)]*\))?" # attribute arguments
+ r"\s*,?" # optional comma at the end
+ r")+"
+ r"\)\)\s+"
+ , ""
+ , proto)
+ # Yes, this truly is vile. We are looking for:
+ # 1. Return type (may be nothing if we're looking at a macro)
+ # 2. Function name
+ # 3. Function parameters.
+ #
+ # All the while we have to watch out for function pointer parameters
+ # (which IIRC is what the two sections are for), C types (these
+ # regexps don't even start to express all the possibilities), and
+ # so on.
+ #
+ # If you mess with these regexps, it's a good idea to check that
+ # the following functions' documentation still comes out right:
+ # - parport_register_device (function pointer parameters)
+ # - atomic_set (macro)
+ # - pci_match_device, __copy_to_user (long return type)
+ self.debug("dump_function(): (2) '%(proto)s'", proto=proto)
+ x = RE(r"^()([a-zA-Z0-9_~:]+)\s+")
+ if define and x.match(proto):
+ # This is an object-like macro, it has no return type and no
+ # parameter list. Function-like macros are not allowed to have
+ # spaces between decl_name and opening parenthesis (notice
+ # the \s+).
+ self.ctx.return_type = x[0]
+ self.ctx.decl_name = x[1]
+ hasRetVal = False
+ self.debug("dump_function(): (hasRetVal = False) '%(proto)s'"
+ , proto=proto)
+ else:
+ matchExpr = None
+ for regexp in FUNC_PROTOTYPES:
+ if regexp.match(proto):
+ matchExpr = regexp
+ self.debug("dump_function(): matchExpr = '%(pattern)s' // '%(proto)s'"
+ , pattern = matchExpr.pattern, proto=proto)
+ break
+ if matchExpr is not None:
+ self.debug("dump_function(): return_type='%(x)s'", x=matchExpr[0])
+ self.ctx.return_type = matchExpr[0]
+ self.debug("dump_function(): decl_name='%(x)s'", x=matchExpr[1])
+ self.ctx.decl_name = matchExpr[1]
+ self.create_parameterlist(matchExpr[2], ",")
+ else:
+ self.warn("can't understand function proto: '%(prototype)s'"
+ , prototype = self.ctx.prototype
+ , line_no = self.ctx.decl_offset)
+ return
+ if self.ctx.last_identifier != self.ctx.decl_name:
+ self.warn("function name from comment differs: %s <--> %s"
+ % (self.ctx.last_identifier, self.ctx.decl_name)
+ , line_no = self.ctx.decl_offset)
+ self.check_sections(self.ctx.decl_name
+ , self.ctx.decl_type
+ , self.ctx.sectcheck
+ , self.ctx.parameterlist
+ , "")
+ if hasRetVal:
+ self.check_return_section(self.ctx.decl_name, self.ctx.return_type)
+ self.output_decl(
+ self.ctx.decl_name, "function_decl"
+ , function = self.ctx.decl_name
+ , return_type = self.ctx.return_type
+ , parameterlist = self.ctx.parameterlist
+ , parameterdescs = self.ctx.parameterdescs
+ , parametertypes = self.ctx.parametertypes
+ , sections = self.ctx.sections
+ , purpose = self.ctx.decl_purpose )
+ def dump_DOC(self, name, cont):
+ self.dump_section(name, cont)
+ self.output_decl(name, "DOC"
+ , sections = self.ctx.sections )
+ def dump_union(self, proto):
+ if not self.prepare_struct_union(proto):
+ self.error("can't parse union!")
+ return
+ if self.ctx.last_identifier != self.ctx.decl_name:
+ self.warn("struct name from comment differs: %s <--> %s"
+ % (self.ctx.last_identifier, self.ctx.decl_name)
+ , line_no = self.ctx.decl_offset)
+ self.output_decl(
+ self.ctx.decl_name, "union_decl"
+ , decl_name = self.ctx.decl_name
+ , decl_type = self.ctx.decl_type
+ , parameterlist = self.ctx.parameterlist
+ , parameterdescs = self.ctx.parameterdescs
+ , parametertypes = self.ctx.parametertypes
+ , sections = self.ctx.sections
+ , purpose = self.ctx.decl_purpose )
+ def dump_struct(self, proto):
+ if not self.prepare_struct_union(proto):
+ self.error("can't parse struct!")
+ return
+ if self.ctx.last_identifier != self.ctx.decl_name:
+ self.warn("struct name from comment differs: %s <--> %s"
+ % (self.ctx.last_identifier, self.ctx.decl_name)
+ , line_no = self.ctx.decl_offset)
+ self.output_decl(
+ self.ctx.decl_name, "struct_decl"
+ , decl_name = self.ctx.decl_name
+ , decl_type = self.ctx.decl_type
+ , parameterlist = self.ctx.parameterlist
+ , parameterdescs = self.ctx.parameterdescs
+ , parametertypes = self.ctx.parametertypes
+ , sections = self.ctx.sections
+ , purpose = self.ctx.decl_purpose )
+ def prepare_struct_union(self, proto):
+ self.debug("prepare_struct_union(): '%(proto)s'", proto=proto)
+ retVal = False
+ members = ""
+ nested = ""
+ if C_STRUCT_UNION.match(proto):
+ if C_STRUCT_UNION[0] != self.ctx.decl_type:
+ self.error("determine of decl_type is inconsistent: '%s' <--> '%s'"
+ "\nprototype: %s"
+ % (C_STRUCT_UNION[0], self.ctx.decl_type, proto))
+ return False
+ self.ctx.decl_name = C_STRUCT_UNION[1]
+ members = C_STRUCT_UNION[2]
+ # ignore embedded structs or unions
+ embeded_re = RE(r"({.*})")
+ if embeded_re.search(proto):
+ nested = embeded_re[0]
+ members = embeded_re.sub("", members)
+ # ignore members marked private:
+ members = re.sub(r"/\*\s*private:.*?/\*\s*public:.*?\*/", "", members, flags=re.I)
+ members = re.sub(r"/\*\s*private:.*", "", members, flags=re.I)
+ # strip comments:
+ members = C89_comments.sub("", members)
+ nested = C89_comments.sub("", nested)
+ # strip kmemcheck_bitfield_{begin,end}.*;
+ members = re.sub(r"kmemcheck_bitfield_.*?;", "", members)
+ # strip attributes
+ members = re.sub(r"__attribute__\s*\(\([a-z,_\*\s\(\)]*\)\)", "", members, flags=re.I)
+ members = re.sub(r"__aligned\s*\([^;]*\)", "", members)
+ members = re.sub(r"\s*CRYPTO_MINALIGN_ATTR", "", members)
+ # replace DECLARE_BITMAP
+ members = re.sub(r"DECLARE_BITMAP\s*\(([^,)]+), ([^,)]+)\)"
+ , r"unsigned long \1[BITS_TO_LONGS(\2)]"
+ , members )
+ self.create_parameterlist(members, ';')
+ self.check_sections(self.ctx.decl_name
+ , self.ctx.decl_type
+ , self.ctx.sectcheck
+ , self.ctx.parameterlist # self.ctx.struct_actual.split(" ")
+ , nested)
+ retVal = True
+ else:
+ retVal = False
+ return retVal
+ def dump_enum(self, proto):
+ self.debug("dump_enum(): '%(proto)s'", proto=proto)
+ proto = C89_comments.sub("", proto)
+ # strip #define macros inside enums
+ proto = re.sub(r"#\s*((define|ifdef)\s+|endif)[^;]*;", "", proto)
+ splitchar = ","
+ RE_NAME = RE(r"^\s*(\w+).*")
+ if C_ENUM.search(proto):
+ self.ctx.decl_name = C_ENUM[0]
+ members = normalize_ws(C_ENUM[1])
+ # drop trailing splitchar, if extists
+ if members.endswith(splitchar):
+ members = members[:-1]
+ for member in members.split(splitchar):
+ name = RE_NAME.sub(r"\1", member)
+ self.ctx.parameterlist.append(name)
+ if not self.ctx.parameterdescs.get(name, None):
+ self.warn(
+ "Enum value '%(name)s' not described"
+ " in enum '%(decl_name)s'"
+ , name = name, decl_name=self.ctx.decl_name )
+ self.ctx.parameterdescs[name] = Parser.undescribed
+ if self.ctx.last_identifier != self.ctx.decl_name:
+ self.warn("enum name from comment differs: %s <--> %s"
+ % (self.ctx.last_identifier, self.ctx.decl_name)
+ , line_no = self.ctx.decl_offset)
+ self.check_sections(self.ctx.decl_name
+ , self.ctx.decl_type
+ , self.ctx.sectcheck
+ , self.ctx.parameterlist
+ , "")
+ self.output_decl(
+ self.ctx.decl_name, "enum_decl"
+ , enum = self.ctx.decl_name
+ , parameterlist = self.ctx.parameterlist
+ , parameterdescs = self.ctx.parameterdescs
+ , sections = self.ctx.sections
+ , purpose = self.ctx.decl_purpose )
+ else:
+ self.error("can't parse enum!")
+ def dump_typedef(self, proto):
+ self.debug("dump_typedef(): '%(proto)s'", proto=proto)
+ proto = C89_comments.sub("", proto)
+ matchExpr = None
+ if C_FUNC_TYPEDEF.search(proto):
+ matchExpr = C_FUNC_TYPEDEF
+ elif C_FUNC_TYPEDEF_2.search(proto):
+ self.warn("typedef of function pointer used uncommon code style: '%s'" % proto)
+ matchExpr = C_FUNC_TYPEDEF_2
+ if matchExpr:
+ # Parse function prototypes
+ self.ctx.return_type = matchExpr[0]
+ self.ctx.decl_name = matchExpr[1]
+ self.check_return_section(self.ctx.decl_name, self.ctx.return_type)
+ f_args = matchExpr[2]
+ self.create_parameterlist(f_args, ',')
+ if self.ctx.last_identifier != self.ctx.decl_name:
+ self.warn("function name from comment differs: %s <--> %s"
+ % (self.ctx.last_identifier, self.ctx.decl_name)
+ , line_no = self.ctx.decl_offset)
+ self.check_sections(self.ctx.decl_name
+ , self.ctx.decl_type
+ , self.ctx.sectcheck
+ , self.ctx.parameterlist
+ , "")
+ self.output_decl(
+ self.ctx.decl_name, "function_decl"
+ , function = self.ctx.decl_name
+ , return_type = self.ctx.return_type
+ , parameterlist = self.ctx.parameterlist
+ , parameterdescs = self.ctx.parameterdescs
+ , parametertypes = self.ctx.parametertypes
+ , sections = self.ctx.sections
+ , purpose = self.ctx.decl_purpose )
+ else:
+ self.debug("dump_typedef(): '%(proto)s'", proto=proto)
+ x1 = RE(r"\(*.\)\s*;$")
+ x2 = RE(r"\[*.\]\s*;$")
+ while x1.search(proto) or x2.search(proto):
+ proto = x1.sub(";", proto)
+ proto = x2.sub(";", proto)
+ self.debug("dump_typedef(): '%(proto)s'", proto=proto)
+ if C_TYPEDEF.match(proto):
+ self.ctx.decl_name = C_TYPEDEF[0]
+ if self.ctx.last_identifier != self.ctx.decl_name:
+ self.warn("typedef name from comment differs: %s <--> %s"
+ % (self.ctx.last_identifier, self.ctx.decl_name)
+ , line_no = self.ctx.decl_offset)
+ self.check_sections(self.ctx.decl_name
+ , self.ctx.decl_type
+ , self.ctx.sectcheck
+ , self.ctx.parameterlist
+ , "")
+ self.output_decl(
+ self.ctx.decl_name, "typedef_decl"
+ , typedef = self.ctx.decl_name
+ , sections = self.ctx.sections
+ , purpose = self.ctx.decl_purpose )
+ else:
+ self.error("can't parse typedef!")
+ def create_parameterlist(self, parameter, splitchar):
+ self.debug("create_parameterlist(): splitchar='%(x)s' params='%(y)s'"
+ , x=splitchar, y=parameter)
+ parameter = normalize_ws(parameter)
+ pointer_to_func = RE(r"\(.+\)\s*\(")
+ # temporarily replace commas inside function pointer definition
+ m = RE(r"(\([^\),]+),")
+ while m.search(parameter):
+ parameter = m.sub(r"\1#", parameter)
+ # drop trailing splitchar, if extists
+ if parameter.endswith(splitchar):
+ parameter = parameter[:-1]
+ self.debug("create_parameterlist(): params='%(y)s'", y=parameter)
+ for c, p in enumerate(parameter.split(splitchar)):
+ p = C99_comments.sub("", p)
+ p = p.strip()
+ self.debug(" parameter#%(c)s: %(p)s", c=c, p=p)
+ p_type = None
+ p_name = None
+ if MACRO.match(p):
+ # Treat preprocessor directive as a typeless variable just to
+ # fill corresponding data structures "correctly". Catch it later
+ # in output_* subs.
+ self.debug(" parameter#%(c)s: (MACRO) %(p)s=''" , c=c, p=p)
+ self.push_parameter(p, "")
+ elif pointer_to_func.search(p):
+ # pointer-to-function
+ p = p.replace("#", ",") # reinsert temporarily removed commas
+ self.debug(" parameter#%(c)s: (pointer to function) %(p)s", c=c, p=p)
+ m = RE(r"[^\(]+\(\*?\s*(\w*)\s*\)")
+ m.match(p)
+ p_name = m[0]
+ p_type = p
+ p_type = re.sub(r"([^\(]+\(\*?)\s*"+p_name, r"\1", p_type)
+ #self.save_struct_actual(p_name)
+ self.push_parameter(p_name, p_type)
+ else:
+ p = re.sub(r"\s*:\s*", ":", p)
+ p = re.sub(r"\s*\[" , "[", p)
+ self.debug(" parameter#%(c)s: (common) %(p)s", c=c, p=p)
+ p_args = re.split(r"\s*,\s*", p)
+ if re.match(r"\s*,\s*", p_args[0]):
+ p_args[0] = re.sub(r"(\*+)\s*", r" \1", p_args[0])
+ self.debug(" parameter#%(c)s : (1) p_args = %(p_args)s"
+ , c=c, p_args=repr(p_args))
+ first_arg = []
+ m = RE(r"^(.*\s+)(.*?\[.*\].*)$")
+ if m.match(p_args[0]):
+ p_args.pop(0)
+ first_arg.extend(re.split(r"\s+", m[0]))
+ first_arg.append(m[1])
+ else:
+ first_arg.extend(re.split(r"\s+", p_args.pop(0)))
+ p_args = [first_arg.pop() ] + p_args
+ self.debug(" parameter#%(c)s : (2) p_args=%(p_args)s"
+ , c=c, p_args=repr(p_args))
+ p_type = " ".join(first_arg)
+ ma = RE(r"^(\*+)\s*(.*)")
+ mb = RE(r"(.*?):(\d+)")
+ for p_name in p_args:
+ self.debug(" parameter#%(c)s : (3) p_name='%(p_name)s'"
+ , c=c, p_name=p_name)
+ if ma.match(p_name):
+ p_type = "%s %s" % (p_type, ma[0])
+ p_name = ma[1]
+ elif mb.match(p_name):
+ if p_type:
+ p_name = mb[0]
+ p_type = "%s:%s" % (p_type, mb[1])
+ else:
+ # skip unnamed bit-fields
+ continue
+ self.debug(" parameter#%(c)s : (4) p_name='%(p_name)s' / p_type='%(p_type)s'"
+ , c=c, p_name=p_name, p_type=p_type)
+ #self.save_struct_actual(p_name)
+ self.push_parameter(p_name, p_type)
+ def push_parameter(self, p_name, p_type):
+ self.debug(
+ "push_parameter(): p_name='%(p_name)s' / p_type='%(p_type)s'"
+ , p_name=p_name, p_type=p_type)
+ p_name = p_name.strip()
+ p_type = p_type.strip()
+ if (self.anon_struct_union
+ and not p_type
+ and p_name == "}"):
+ # ignore the ending }; from anon. struct/union
+ return
+ self.anon_struct_union = False
+ self.debug(
+ "push_parameter(): (1) p_name='%(p_name)s' / p_type='%(p_type)s'"
+ , p_name=p_name, p_type=p_type)
+ if not p_type and re.search(r"\.\.\.$", p_name):
+ if not self.ctx.parameterdescs.get(p_name, None):
+ self.ctx.parameterdescs[p_name] = "variable arguments"
+ elif not p_type and (not p_name or p_name == "void"):
+ p_name = "void"
+ self.ctx.parameterdescs[p_name] = "no arguments"
+ elif not p_type and (p_name == "struct" or p_name == "union"):
+ # handle unnamed (anonymous) union or struct:
+ p_type = p_name
+ p_name = "{unnamed_" + p_name + "}"
+ self.ctx.parameterdescs[p_name] = "anonymous\n"
+ self.anon_struct_union = True
+ self.debug(
+ "push_parameter(): (2) p_name='%(p_name)s' / p_type='%(p_type)s'"
+ , p_name=p_name, p_type=p_type)
+ # strip array from paramater name / e.g. p_name is "modes[]" from a
+ # parmeter defined by: "const char * const modes[]"
+ p_name_doc = re.sub(r"\[.*", "", p_name)
+ # warn if parameter has no description (but ignore ones starting with
+ # '#' as these are not parameters but inline preprocessor statements);
+ # also ignore unnamed structs/unions;
+ if not self.anon_struct_union:
+ if (not self.ctx.parameterdescs.get(p_name_doc, None)
+ and not p_name.startswith("#")):
+ if p_type == "function" or p_type == "enum":
+ self.warn("Function parameter or member '%(p_name)s' not "
+ "described in '%(decl_name)s'."
+ , p_name = p_name
+ , decl_name = self.ctx.decl_name
+ , line_no = self.ctx.last_offset)
+ else:
+ self.warn("no description found for parameter '%(p_name)s'"
+ , p_name = p_name, line_no = self.ctx.decl_offset)
+ self.ctx.parameterdescs[p_name] = Parser.undescribed
+ self.debug(
+ "push_parameter(): (3) p_name='%(p_name)s' / p_type='%(p_type)s'"
+ , p_name=p_name, p_type=p_type)
+ self.ctx.parameterlist.append(p_name)
+ self.ctx.parametertypes[p_name] = p_type.strip()
+ # def save_struct_actual(self, actual):
+ # # strip all spaces from the actual param so that it looks like one
+ # # string item
+ # self.debug("save_struct_actual(): actual='%(a)s'", a=actual)
+ # actual = WHITESPACE.sub("", actual)
+ # self.ctx.struct_actual += actual + " "
+ # self.debug("save_struct_actual: '%(a)s'", a=self.ctx.struct_actual)
+ def check_sections(self, decl_name, decl_type
+ , sectcheck, parameterlist, nested):
+ self.debug("check_sections(): decl_name='%(n)s' / decl_type='%(t)s' /"
+ " sectcheck=%(sc)s / parameterlist=%(pl)s / nested='%(nested)s'"
+ , n=decl_name, t=decl_type, sc=sectcheck, pl=parameterlist, nested=nested)
+ for sect in sectcheck:
+ sub_sect = re.sub(r"\..*", "", sect) # take @foo.bar sections as "foo" sub-section
+ err = True
+ for para in parameterlist:
+ para = re.sub(r"\[.*\]", "", para)
+ #para = re.sub(r"/__attribute__\s*\(\([A-Za-z,_\*\s\(\)]*\)\)/", "", para)
+ if para == sub_sect or para == sect:
+ err = False
+ break
+ if err:
+ if decl_type == "function":
+ self.warn(
+ "excess function parameter '%(sect)s' description in '%(decl_name)s'"
+ , sect = sect, decl_name = decl_name
+ , line_no = self.ctx.decl_offset )
+ elif not re.search(r"\b(" + sect + ")[^a-zA-Z0-9]", nested):
+ self.warn(
+ "excess %(decl_type)s member '%(sect)s' description in '%(decl_name)s'"
+ , decl_type = decl_type, decl_name = decl_name, sect = sect
+ , line_no = self.ctx.decl_offset )
+ else:
+ self.debug("check_sections(): parameter '%(sect)s': description exists / OK"
+ , sect=sect)
+ def check_return_section(self, decl_name, return_type):
+ self.debug("check_return_section(): decl_name='%(n)s', return_type='%(t)s"
+ , n=decl_name, t=return_type)
+ # Ignore an empty return type (It's a macro) and ignore functions with a
+ # "void" return type. (But don't ignore "void *")
+ if (not return_type
+ or re.match(r"void\s*\w*\s*$", return_type)):
+ self.debug("check_return_section(): ignore void")
+ return
+ if self.options.verbose_warn and not self.ctx.sections.get(self.section_return, None):
+ self.warn("no description found for return-value of function '%(func)s()'"
+ , func = decl_name, line_no = self.ctx.decl_offset)
+ else:
+ self.debug("check_return_section(): return-value of %(func)s() OK"
+ , func = decl_name)
+# ==============================================================================
+# 2cent debugging & introspection
+# ==============================================================================
+def CONSOLE(arround=5, frame=None):
+ # pylint: disable=C0321,C0410
+ import inspect, code, linecache
+ sys.stderr.flush()
+ sys.stdout.flush()
+ frame = frame or inspect.currentframe().f_back
+ fName = frame.f_code.co_filename
+ lineNo = frame.f_lineno
+ ns = dict(**frame.f_globals)
+ ns.update(**frame.f_locals)
+ histfile = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"), ".kernel-doc-history")
+ try:
+ import readline, rlcompleter # pylint: disable=W0612
+ readline.set_completer(rlcompleter.Completer(namespace=ns).complete)
+ readline.parse_and_bind("tab: complete")
+ readline.set_history_length(1000)
+ if os.path.exists(histfile):
+ readline.read_history_file(histfile)
+ except ImportError:
+ readline = None
+ lines = []
+ for c in range(lineNo - arround, lineNo + arround):
+ if c > 0:
+ prefix = "%-04s|" % c
+ if c == lineNo: prefix = "---->"
+ line = linecache.getline(fName, c, frame.f_globals)
+ if line != '': lines.append(prefix + line)
+ else:
+ if lines: lines[-1] = lines[-1] + "<EOF>\n"
+ break
+ banner = "".join(lines) + "file: %s:%s\n" % (fName, lineNo)
+ try:
+ code.interact(banner=banner, local=ns)
+ finally:
+ if readline is not None:
+ readline.write_history_file(histfile)
+# ==============================================================================
+# run ...
+# ==============================================================================
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ sys.exit(main())
+ # FIXME: just for testing
+ __builtins__["CONSOLE"] = CONSOLE
diff --git a/Documentation/sphinx/kerneldoc.py b/Documentation/sphinx/kerneldoc.py
deleted file mode 100644
index d15e07f..0000000
--- a/Documentation/sphinx/kerneldoc.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,149 +0,0 @@
-# coding=utf-8
-# Copyright  2016 Intel Corporation
-# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
-# copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
-# to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
-# the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
-# and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
-# Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
-# The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the next
-# paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the
-# Software.
-# Authors:
-# Jani Nikula <jani.nikula@xxxxxxxxx>
-# Please make sure this works on both python2 and python3.
-import os
-import subprocess
-import sys
-import re
-import glob
-from docutils import nodes, statemachine
-from docutils.statemachine import ViewList
-from docutils.parsers.rst import directives
-from sphinx.util.compat import Directive
-from sphinx.ext.autodoc import AutodocReporter
-__version__ = '1.0'
-class KernelDocDirective(Directive):
- """Extract kernel-doc comments from the specified file"""
- required_argument = 1
- optional_arguments = 4
- option_spec = {
- 'doc': directives.unchanged_required,
- 'functions': directives.unchanged_required,
- 'export': directives.unchanged,
- 'internal': directives.unchanged,
- }
- has_content = False
- def run(self):
- env = self.state.document.settings.env
- cmd = [env.config.kerneldoc_bin, '-rst', '-enable-lineno']
- filename = env.config.kerneldoc_srctree + '/' + self.arguments[0]
- export_file_patterns = []
- # Tell sphinx of the dependency
- env.note_dependency(os.path.abspath(filename))
- tab_width = self.options.get('tab-width', self.state.document.settings.tab_width)
- # FIXME: make this nicer and more robust against errors
- if 'export' in self.options:
- cmd += ['-export']
- export_file_patterns = str(self.options.get('export')).split()
- elif 'internal' in self.options:
- cmd += ['-internal']
- export_file_patterns = str(self.options.get('internal')).split()
- elif 'doc' in self.options:
- cmd += ['-function', str(self.options.get('doc'))]
- elif 'functions' in self.options:
- for f in str(self.options.get('functions')).split():
- cmd += ['-function', f]
- for pattern in export_file_patterns:
- for f in glob.glob(env.config.kerneldoc_srctree + '/' + pattern):
- env.note_dependency(os.path.abspath(f))
- cmd += ['-export-file', f]
- cmd += [filename]
- try:
- env.app.verbose('calling kernel-doc \'%s\'' % (" ".join(cmd)))
- p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True)
- out, err = p.communicate()
- # python2 needs conversion to unicode.
- # python3 with universal_newlines=True returns strings.
- if sys.version_info.major < 3:
- out, err = unicode(out, 'utf-8'), unicode(err, 'utf-8')
- if p.returncode != 0:
- sys.stderr.write(err)
- env.app.warn('kernel-doc \'%s\' failed with return code %d' % (" ".join(cmd), p.returncode))
- return [nodes.error(None, nodes.paragraph(text = "kernel-doc missing"))]
- elif env.config.kerneldoc_verbosity > 0:
- sys.stderr.write(err)
- lines = statemachine.string2lines(out, tab_width, convert_whitespace=True)
- result = ViewList()
- lineoffset = 0;
- line_regex = re.compile("^#define LINENO ([0-9]+)$")
- for line in lines:
- match = line_regex.search(line)
- if match:
- # sphinx counts lines from 0
- lineoffset = int(match.group(1)) - 1
- # we must eat our comments since the upset the markup
- else:
- result.append(line, filename, lineoffset)
- lineoffset += 1
- node = nodes.section()
- buf = self.state.memo.title_styles, self.state.memo.section_level, self.state.memo.reporter
- self.state.memo.reporter = AutodocReporter(result, self.state.memo.reporter)
- self.state.memo.title_styles, self.state.memo.section_level = [], 0
- try:
- self.state.nested_parse(result, 0, node, match_titles=1)
- finally:
- self.state.memo.title_styles, self.state.memo.section_level, self.state.memo.reporter = buf
- return node.children
- except Exception as e: # pylint: disable=W0703
- env.app.warn('kernel-doc \'%s\' processing failed with: %s' %
- (" ".join(cmd), str(e)))
- return [nodes.error(None, nodes.paragraph(text = "kernel-doc missing"))]
-def setup(app):
- app.add_config_value('kerneldoc_bin', None, 'env')
- app.add_config_value('kerneldoc_srctree', None, 'env')
- app.add_config_value('kerneldoc_verbosity', 1, 'env')
- app.add_directive('kernel-doc', KernelDocDirective)
- return dict(
- version = __version__,
- parallel_read_safe = True,
- parallel_write_safe = True
- )
diff --git a/Documentation/sphinx/rstKernelDoc.py b/Documentation/sphinx/rstKernelDoc.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..c41d692
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/sphinx/rstKernelDoc.py
@@ -0,0 +1,560 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: python -*-
+# pylint: disable=R0912,R0914,R0915
+ rstKernelDoc
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ Implementation of the ``kernel-doc`` reST-directive.
+ :copyright: Copyright (C) 2016 Markus Heiser
+ :license: GPL Version 2, June 1991 see Linux/COPYING for details.
+ The ``kernel-doc`` (:py:class:`KernelDoc`) directive includes contend from
+ linux kernel source code comments.
+ Here is a short overview of the options:
+ .. code-block:: rst
+ .. kernel-doc:: <src-filename>
+ :doc: <section title>
+ :no-header:
+ :export:
+ :internal:
+ :functions: <function [, functions [, ...]]>
+ :module: <prefix-id>
+ :man-sect: <man sect-no>
+ :snippets: <snippet [, snippets [, ...]]>
+ :language: <snippet-lang>
+ :linenos:
+ :debug:
+ The argument ``<src-filename>`` is required, it points to a source file in the
+ kernel source tree. The pathname is relative to kernel's root folder. The
+ options have the following meaning, but be aware that not all combinations of
+ these options make sense:
+ ``doc <section title>``
+ Include content of the ``DOC:`` section titled ``<section title>``. Spaces
+ are allowed in ``<section title>``; do not quote the ``<section title>``.
+ The next option make only sense in conjunction with option ``doc``:
+ ``no-header``
+ Do not output DOC: section's title. Useful, if the surrounding context
+ already has a heading, and the DOC: section title is only used as an
+ identifier. Take in mind, that this option will not suppress any native
+ reST heading markup in the comment (:ref:`reST-section-structure`).
+ ``export [<src-fname-pattern> [, ...]]``
+ Include documentation for all function, struct or whatever definition in
+ ``<src-filename>``, exported using EXPORT_SYMBOL macro (``EXPORT_SYMBOL``,
+ ``<src-filename>`` or in any of the files specified by
+ ``<src-fname-pattern>``.
+ The ``<src-fname-pattern>`` (glob) is useful when the kernel-doc comments
+ have been placed in header files, while EXPORT_SYMBOL are next to the
+ function definitions.
+ ``internal [<src-fname-pattern> [, ...]]``
+ Include documentation for all documented definitions, **not** exported using
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL macro either in ``<src-filename>`` or in any of the files
+ specified by ``<src-fname-pattern>``.
+ ``functions <name [, names [, ...]]>``
+ Include documentation for each named definition.
+ ``module <prefix-id>``
+ The option ``:module: <id-prefix>`` sets a module-name. The module-name is
+ used as a prefix for automatic generated IDs (reference anchors).
+ ``man-sect <sect-no>``
+ Section number of the manual pages (see man man-pages). The man-pages are build
+ by the ``kernel-doc-man`` builder.
+ ``snippets <name [, names [, ...]]>``
+ Inserts the source-code passage(s) marked with the snippet ``name``. The
+ snippet is inserted with a `code-block:: <http://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/stable/markup/code.html>`_
+ directive.
+ The next options make only sense in conjunction with option ``snippets``:
+ ``language <highlighter>``
+ Set highlighting language of the snippet code-block.
+ ``linenos``
+ Set line numbers in the snippet code-block.
+ ``debug``
+ Inserts a code-block with the generated reST source. This might sometimes
+ helpful to see how the kernel-doc parser transforms the kernel-doc markup to
+ reST markup.
+ The following example shows how to insert documentation from the source file
+ ``/drivers/gpu/drm/drm_drv.c``. In this example the documentation from the
+ ``DOC:`` section with the title "driver instance overview" and the
+ documentation of all exported symbols (EXPORT_SYMBOL) is included in the
+ reST tree.
+ .. code-block:: rst
+ .. kernel-doc:: drivers/gpu/drm/drm_drv.c
+ :export:
+ :doc: driver instance overview
+ An other example is to use only one function description.
+ .. code-block:: rst
+ .. kernel-doc:: include/media/i2c/tvp7002.h
+ :functions: tvp7002_config
+ :module: tvp7002
+ This will produce the following reST markup to include:
+ .. code-block:: rst
+ .. _`tvp514x.tvp514x_platform_data`:
+ struct tvp514x_platform_data
+ ============================
+ .. c:type:: tvp514x_platform_data
+ .. _`tvp514x.tvp514x_platform_data.definition`:
+ Definition
+ ----------
+ .. code-block:: c
+ struct tvp514x_platform_data {
+ bool clk_polarity;
+ bool hs_polarity;
+ bool vs_polarity;
+ }
+ .. _`tvp514x.tvp514x_platform_data.members`:
+ Members
+ -------
+ clk_polarity
+ Clock polarity of the current interface.
+ hs_polarity
+ HSYNC Polarity configuration for current interface.
+ vs_polarity
+ VSYNC Polarity configuration for current interface.
+ The last example illustrates, that the option ``:module: tvp514x`` is used
+ as a prefix for anchors. E.g. ```ref:`tvp514x.tvp514x_platform_data.membersÂ```
+ refers to the to the member description of ``struct tvp514x_platform_data``.
+# ==============================================================================
+# imports
+# ==============================================================================
+import glob
+from os import path
+from io import StringIO
+import six
+from docutils import nodes
+from docutils.parsers.rst import Directive, directives
+from docutils.utils import SystemMessage
+from docutils.statemachine import ViewList
+from sphinx.ext.autodoc import AutodocReporter
+import kernel_doc as kerneldoc
+# ==============================================================================
+# common globals
+# ==============================================================================
+# The version numbering follows numbering of the specification
+# (Documentation/books/kernel-doc-HOWTO).
+__version__ = '1.0'
+PARSER_CACHE = dict()
+# ==============================================================================
+def setup(app):
+# ==============================================================================
+ app.add_config_value('kernel_doc_raise_error', False, 'env')
+ app.add_config_value('kernel_doc_verbose_warn', True, 'env')
+ app.add_config_value('kernel_doc_mode', "reST", 'env')
+ app.add_config_value('kernel_doc_mansect', None, 'env')
+ app.add_directive("kernel-doc", KernelDoc)
+ return dict(
+ version = __version__
+ , parallel_read_safe = True
+ , parallel_write_safe = True
+ )
+# ==============================================================================
+class KernelDocParser(kerneldoc.Parser):
+# ==============================================================================
+ def __init__(self, app, *args, **kwargs):
+ super(KernelDocParser, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+ self.app = app
+ # -------------------------------------------------
+ # bind the parser logging to the sphinx application
+ # -------------------------------------------------
+ def error(self, message, **replace):
+ replace["fname"] = self.options.fname
+ replace["line_no"] = replace.get("line_no", self.ctx.line_no)
+ self.errors += 1
+ message = ("%(fname)s:%(line_no)s: [kernel-doc ERROR] : " + message) % replace
+ self.app.warn(message, prefix="")
+ def warn(self, message, **replace):
+ replace["fname"] = self.options.fname
+ replace["line_no"] = replace.get("line_no", self.ctx.line_no)
+ self.warnings += 1
+ message = ("%(fname)s:%(line_no)s: [kernel-doc WARN] : " + message) % replace
+ self.app.warn(message, prefix="")
+ def info(self, message, **replace):
+ replace["fname"] = self.options.fname
+ replace["line_no"] = replace.get("line_no", self.ctx.line_no)
+ message = ("%(fname)s:%(line_no)s: [kernel-doc INFO] : " + message) % replace
+ self.app.verbose(message, prefix="")
+ def debug(self, message, **replace):
+ if self.app.verbosity < 2:
+ return
+ replace["fname"] = self.options.fname
+ replace["line_no"] = replace.get("line_no", self.ctx.line_no)
+ message = ("%(fname)s:%(line_no)s: [kernel-doc DEBUG] : " + message) % replace
+ self.app.debug(message, prefix="")
+# ==============================================================================
+class FaultyOption(Exception):
+ pass
+class KernelDoc(Directive):
+# ==============================================================================
+ u"""KernelDoc (``kernel-doc``) directive"""
+ required_arguments = 1
+ optional_arguments = 0
+ final_argument_whitespace = True
+ option_spec = {
+ "doc" : directives.unchanged_required # aka lines containing !P
+ , "no-header" : directives.flag
+ , "export" : directives.unchanged # aka lines containing !E
+ , "internal" : directives.unchanged # aka lines containing !I
+ , "functions" : directives.unchanged_required # aka lines containing !F
+ , "debug" : directives.flag # insert generated reST as code-block
+ , "snippets" : directives.unchanged_required
+ , "language" : directives.unchanged_required
+ , "linenos" : directives.flag
+ # module name / used as id-prefix
+ , "module" : directives.unchanged_required
+ , "man-sect" : directives.nonnegative_int
+ # The encoding of the source file with the kernel-doc comments. The
+ # default is the config.source_encoding from sphinx configuration and
+ # this default is utf-8-sig
+ , "encoding" : directives.encoding
+ }
+ def getParserOptions(self):
+ fname = self.arguments[0]
+ src_tree = kerneldoc.SRCTREE
+ exp_files = [] # file pattern to search for EXPORT_SYMBOL
+ if self.arguments[0].startswith("./"):
+ # the prefix "./" indicates a relative pathname
+ fname = self.arguments[0][2:]
+ src_tree = path.dirname(path.normpath(self.doc.current_source))
+ if "internal" in self.options and "export" in self.options:
+ raise FaultyOption(
+ "Options 'export' and 'internal' are orthogonal,"
+ " can't use them togehter")
+ if "snippets" in self.options:
+ rest = set(self.options.keys()) - set(["snippets", "linenos", "language", "debug"])
+ if rest:
+ raise FaultyOption(
+ "kernel-doc 'snippets' has non of these options: %s"
+ % ",".join(rest))
+ if self.env.config.kernel_doc_mode not in ["reST", "kernel-doc"]:
+ raise FaultyOption(
+ "unknow kernel-doc mode: %s" % self.env.config.kernel_doc_mode)
+ # set parse adjustments
+ ctx = kerneldoc.ParserContext()
+ opts = kerneldoc.ParseOptions(
+ rel_fname = fname
+ , src_tree = src_tree
+ , id_prefix = self.options.get("module", "").strip()
+ , encoding = self.options.get("encoding", self.env.config.source_encoding)
+ , verbose_warn = self.env.config.kernel_doc_verbose_warn
+ , markup = self.env.config.kernel_doc_mode
+ , man_sect = self.options.get("man-sect", None)
+ ,)
+ if ("doc" not in self.options
+ and opts.man_sect is None):
+ opts.man_sect = self.env.config.kernel_doc_mansect
+ opts.set_defaults()
+ if not path.exists(opts.fname):
+ raise FaultyOption(
+ "kernel-doc refers to nonexisting document %s" % opts.fname)
+ # always skip preamble and epilog in kernel-doc directives
+ opts.skip_preamble = True
+ opts.skip_epilog = True
+ if ("doc" not in self.options
+ and "export" not in self.options
+ and "internal" not in self.options
+ and "functions" not in self.options
+ and "snippets" not in self.options):
+ # if no explicit content is selected, then print all, including all
+ # DOC sections
+ opts.use_all_docs = True
+ if "doc" in self.options:
+ opts.no_header = bool("no-header" in self.options)
+ opts.use_names.append(self.options.get("doc"))
+ if "export" in self.options:
+ # gather exported symbols and add them to the list of names
+ kerneldoc.Parser.gather_context(kerneldoc.readFile(opts.fname), ctx)
+ exp_files.extend((self.options.get('export') or "").replace(","," ").split())
+ opts.error_missing = True
+ elif "internal" in self.options:
+ # gather exported symbols and add them to the ignore-list of names
+ kerneldoc.Parser.gather_context(kerneldoc.readFile(opts.fname), ctx)
+ exp_files.extend((self.options.get('internal') or "").replace(","," ").split())
+ if "functions" in self.options:
+ opts.error_missing = True
+ opts.use_names.extend(
+ self.options["functions"].replace(","," ").split())
+ for pattern in exp_files:
+ if pattern.startswith("./"): # "./" indicates a relative pathname
+ pattern = path.join(
+ path.dirname(path.normpath(self.doc.current_source))
+ , pattern[2:])
+ else:
+ pattern = path.join(kerneldoc.SRCTREE, pattern)
+ if (not glob.has_magic(pattern)
+ and not path.lexists(pattern)):
+ # if pattern is a filename (is not a glob pattern) and this file
+ # does not exists, an error is raised.
+ raise FaultyOption("file not found: %s" % pattern)
+ for fname in glob.glob(pattern):
+ self.env.note_dependency(path.abspath(fname))
+ kerneldoc.Parser.gather_context(kerneldoc.readFile(fname), ctx)
+ if "export" in self.options:
+ if not ctx.exported_symbols:
+ raise FaultyOption("using option :export: but there are no exported symbols")
+ opts.use_names.extend(ctx.exported_symbols)
+ if "internal" in self.options:
+ opts.skip_names.extend(ctx.exported_symbols)
+ return opts
+ def errMsg(self, msg):
+ msg = six.text_type(msg)
+ error = self.state_machine.reporter.error(
+ msg
+ , nodes.literal_block(self.block_text, self.block_text)
+ , line = self.lineno )
+ # raise exception on error?
+ if self.env.config.kernel_doc_raise_error:
+ raise SystemMessage(error, 4)
+ # insert oops/todo admonition, this is the replacement of the escape
+ # sequences "!C<filename> " formerly used in the DocBook-SGML template
+ # files.
+ todo = ("\n\n.. todo::"
+ "\n\n Oops: Document generation inconsistency."
+ "\n\n The template for this document tried to insert"
+ " structured comment at this point, but an error occoured."
+ " This dummy section is inserted to allow generation to continue.::"
+ "\n\n")
+ for l in error.astext().split("\n"):
+ todo += " " + l + "\n"
+ todo += "\n\n"
+ self.state_machine.insert_input(todo.split("\n"), self.arguments[0] )
+ def parseSource(self, opts):
+ parser = PARSER_CACHE.get(opts.fname, None)
+ if parser is None:
+ self.env.note_dependency(opts.fname)
+ #self.env.app.info("parse kernel-doc comments from: %s" % opts.fname)
+ parser = KernelDocParser(self.env.app, opts, kerneldoc.NullTranslator())
+ parser.parse()
+ PARSER_CACHE[opts.fname] = parser
+ else:
+ parser.setOptions(opts)
+ return parser
+ def run(self):
+ # pylint: disable=W0201
+ self.parser = None
+ self.doc = self.state.document
+ self.env = self.doc.settings.env
+ self.nodes = []
+ try:
+ if not self.doc.settings.file_insertion_enabled:
+ raise FaultyOption('docutils: file insertion disabled')
+ opts = self.getParserOptions()
+ self.parser = self.parseSource(opts)
+ self.nodes.extend(self.getNodes())
+ except FaultyOption as exc:
+ self.errMsg(exc)
+ return self.nodes
+ def getNodes(self):
+ translator = kerneldoc.ReSTTranslator()
+ lines = ""
+ content = WriterList(self.parser)
+ node = nodes.section()
+ # translate
+ if "debug" in self.options:
+ rstout = StringIO()
+ self.parser.options.out = rstout
+ self.parser.parse_dump_storage(translator=translator)
+ code_block = "\n\n.. code-block:: rst\n :linenos:\n"
+ for l in rstout.getvalue().split("\n"):
+ code_block += "\n " + l
+ lines = code_block + "\n\n"
+ elif "snippets" in self.options:
+ selected = self.options["snippets"].replace(","," ").split()
+ names = self.parser.ctx.snippets.keys()
+ not_found = [ s for s in selected if s not in names]
+ found = [ s for s in selected if s in names]
+ if not_found:
+ self.errMsg("selected snippets(s) not found:\n %s"
+ % "\n ,".join(not_found))
+ if found:
+ code_block = "\n\n.. code-block:: %s\n" % self.options.get("language", "c")
+ if "linenos" in self.options:
+ code_block += " :linenos:\n"
+ snipsnap = ""
+ while found :
+ snipsnap += self.parser.ctx.snippets[found.pop(0)] + "\n\n"
+ for l in snipsnap.split("\n"):
+ code_block += "\n " + l
+ lines = code_block + "\n\n"
+ else:
+ self.parser.options.out = content # pylint: disable=R0204
+ self.parser.parse_dump_storage(translator=translator)
+ # check translation
+ if "functions" in self.options:
+ selected = self.options["functions"].replace(","," ").split()
+ names = translator.translated_names
+ not_found = [ s for s in selected if s not in names]
+ if not_found:
+ self.errMsg(
+ "selected section(s) not found:\n %s"
+ % "\n ,".join(not_found))
+ if "export" in self.options:
+ selected = self.parser.options.use_names
+ names = translator.translated_names
+ not_found = [ s for s in selected if s not in names]
+ if not_found:
+ self.errMsg(
+ "exported definitions not found:\n %s"
+ % "\n ,".join(not_found))
+ # add lines to content list
+ reSTfname = self.state.document.current_source
+ content.flush()
+ if lines:
+ for l in lines.split("\n"):
+ content.append(l, reSTfname, self.lineno)
+ buf = self.state.memo.title_styles, self.state.memo.section_level, self.state.memo.reporter
+ self.state.memo.reporter = AutodocReporter(content, self.state.memo.reporter)
+ self.state.memo.title_styles, self.state.memo.section_level = [], 0
+ try:
+ self.state.nested_parse(content, 0, node, match_titles=1)
+ finally:
+ self.state.memo.title_styles, self.state.memo.section_level, self.state.memo.reporter = buf
+ return node.children
+# ==============================================================================
+class WriterList(ViewList):
+# ==============================================================================
+ u"""docutils ViewList with write method."""
+ def __init__(self, parser, *args, **kwargs):
+ ViewList.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
+ self.parser = parser
+ self.last_offset = -1
+ self.line_buffer = ""
+ def write(self, cont):
+ if self.last_offset != self.parser.ctx.offset:
+ self.flush()
+ self.line_buffer = ""
+ self.last_offset = self.parser.ctx.offset
+ self.line_buffer += cont
+ def flush(self):
+ for _i, l in enumerate(self.line_buffer.split("\n")):
+ self.append(l, self.parser.options.fname, self.last_offset)
+ self.line_buffer = ""
diff --git a/scripts/kerneldoc b/scripts/kerneldoc
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..d633822
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/kerneldoc
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+import sys
+from os import path
+linuxdoc = path.abspath(path.join(path.dirname(__file__), '..'))
+linuxdoc = path.join(linuxdoc, 'Documentation', 'sphinx')
+sys.path.insert(0, linuxdoc)
+import kernel_doc