Re: Motorola Droid 4 progress, power consumption

From: Pavel Machek
Date: Thu May 03 2018 - 05:06:19 EST


> > Anyway, >5.5hours of standby with screen off, GSM on is already
> > usable.
> Just to rub that in, you do mean GSM usable for voice calls and
> SMS with your unicsy_demo with mainline kernel plus the pending
> LCD related patches, right? :)
> > This is the core of code I'm using.
> >
> >
> >
> > Battery graphs are attached. I'm not sure if the battery was really
> > close to empty at that point -- voltage curve should have different
> > shape if that was the case.
> Cool. BTW, the value for POWER_SUPPLY_POWER_AVG should be quite
> accurate for the whole device power consumption.
> It comes from the shunt resistor measured by the PMIC. Sorry I don't
> remember how often it needs to be polled but I'm guessing polling it
> once a minute or so should be plenty.

I'd like current_avg more, but if I cat it manually, it changes on
order of seconds, and quite significantly... which suggest shorter
polling interval would be needed.

user@devuan:/sys/class/power_supply/battery$ date; cat current_now
Thu May 3 09:33:05 CEST 2018
user@devuan:/sys/class/power_supply/battery$ date; cat current_now
Thu May 3 09:33:06 CEST 2018
user@devuan:/sys/class/power_supply/battery$ date; cat current_now
Thu May 3 09:33:06 CEST 2018
user@devuan:/sys/class/power_supply/battery$ date; cat current_now
Thu May 3 09:33:07 CEST 2018
user@devuan:/sys/class/power_supply/battery$ date; cat current_now
Thu May 3 09:33:08 CEST 2018

> Hmm oh and the POWER_SUPPLY_CHARGE_COUNTER value should be monitored
> by your libbattery and it's low value and high value should be saved
> to a file. Low should be saved when we get the battery low interrupt
> and battery state changes to POWER_SUPPLY_CAPACITY_LEVEL_CRITICAL.
> High value should be saved on POWER_SUPPLY_CAPACITY_LEVEL_FULL.
> Then when you know the high value and low value, you can calculate
> the remaining capacity based on the current value and

I'll look into that... but probably will do experiments with python,

Best regards,
(cesky, pictures)

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