Re: [PATCH v2 0/4] have the vt console preserve unicode characters

From: Nicolas Pitre
Date: Wed Jun 20 2018 - 23:03:28 EST

On Wed, 20 Jun 2018, Dave Mielke wrote:

> [quoted lines by Adam Borowski on 2018/06/21 at 03:43 +0200]
> >It's meant for displaying braille to _sighted_ people. And in real world,
> >the main [ab]use is a way to show images that won't get corrupted by
> >proportional fonts. :-þ
> It's not abuse at all. I often use U+28xx to show sighted people what the
> braille for something looks like. I often need to do this when, for example, I
> need them to comapre what I'm showing them to what's on an actual braille
> display. U+28xx is the only way for me to do this without a lengthy description
> containing sequences of dot number combinations.
> Also, U+28xx is the only reasonable way to share braille music between people
> who use different languages.
> >The primary users would be:
> >* people who want symbols uncorrupted (especially if their language uses a
> > non-latin script)
> >* CJK people (as discussed below)
> Again, that's not true. Why aren't braille users included in this list? After
> all, it's we who motivated this enhancement. I guess actual blind people
> mustn't count just because there are relatively fewer of us. :-(

I'd say blind people fall in the "people who want symbols uncorrupted"
