The linux devs can rescind their license grant.

From: visionsofalice
Date: Thu Oct 25 2018 - 03:56:31 EST

The linux devs can rescind their license grant. Why don't they if they don't like the CoC. They did NOT give their code away. They merely licensed it to people for nothing. Licenses can be rescinded. The License text itself doesn't even disclaim the possibility of rescission. All it says is that those who are down stream of a violator won't have their license automatically revoked if the violator's is.

(No this was NOT "debunked", it's a complete lie to say that the owner of the copyright cannot rescind his freely licensed (no consideration paid) property: yes the free software people ARE LYING - but EVERYONE now believes their lie even though their debunking was immediately debunked itself. - Since none of you woman worshiping anti-marry-little-girls** faggots are lawyers you believe whatever you're told by "SFConservancy"*)

*(Who even had to bring in outside council themselves, inorder to conflate clause 4, having so little expertise on the subject in-house)

**(YHWH explicitly allows men to have female children as brides (Devarim chapter 22, verse 28 (na'ar) (same expressed in the Septuagint (padia)) (including in cases of a forceful taking (taphas)) (Yes, white men (americans, anglos) are the enemy of YHWH's law, worldwide championing a system that condemns all men to slavery at women's feet - the position they themselves naturally gravitate to)