Re: Help with reviewing dosfstools patches

From: Enrico Weigelt, metux IT consult
Date: Fri Jun 14 2019 - 14:49:54 EST

On 14.06.19 17:45, Enrico Weigelt, metux IT consult wrote:
> On 14.06.19 16:20, Enrico Weigelt, metux IT consult wrote:
> <snip>
> Currently working through your branches. Smells like they really deserve
> a rebase and signed-off lines.

rebased/applied your patches and got test failures:

XFAIL: check-dot_entries

Test check-dot_entries
First fsck run to check and fix error...
fsck.fat 4.1+git (2017-01-24)
"." is not first entry. Can't fix this yet.
".." is not second entry. Can't fix this yet.
check-dot_entries.img: 4 files, 3/63931 clusters
*** Error was not detected by fsck.
XFAIL check-dot_entries.fsck (exit status: 100)

XFAIL: check-huge

Test check-huge
First fsck run to check and fix error...
Failed to read sector 167772191.
fsck.fat 4.1+git (2017-01-24)
Second fsck run to check if error was fixed...
Failed to read sector 167772191.
fsck.fat 4.1+git (2017-01-24)
*** Error was not fixed by fsck.
XFAIL check-huge.fsck (exit status: 1)


Enrico Weigelt, metux IT consult
Free software and Linux embedded engineering
info@xxxxxxxxx -- +49-151-27565287