Re: [PATCH v3] coccinelle: semantic code search for missing of_node_put

From: Markus Elfring
Date: Tue Jul 16 2019 - 05:26:27 EST

> We find these functions by using the following script:

Why would you like to keep this SmPL code in the commit description?

I would prefer software evolution in an other direction.

> @initialize:ocaml@
> @@
> let relevant_str = "use of_node_put() on it when done"

I see further possibilities to improve this data processing approach.

I am missing more constructive answers for mentioned development concerns.

> And this patch also looks for places â

Does a SmPL script perform an action?

> Finally, this patch finds use-after-free issues for a node.
> (implemented by the r_use_after_put rule)

This software extension is another interesting contribution.
But I imagine that a separate SmPL script can be more helpful for
this source code search pattern.

> v3: delete the global set, â

To which previous implementation detail do you refer here?

> +virtual report
> +virtual org
> +
> +@initialize:python@
> +@@
> +
> +report_miss_prefix = "ERROR: missing of_node_put; acquired a node pointer with refcount incremented on line "
> +report_miss_suffix = ", but without a corresponding object release within this function."
> +org_miss_main = "acquired a node pointer with refcount incremented"
> +org_miss_sec = "needed of_node_put"
> +report_use_after_put = "ERROR: use-after-free; reference preceded by of_node_put on line "
> +org_use_after_put_main = "of_node_put"
> +org_use_after_put_sec = "reference"

If you would insist on the usage of these variables, they should be applied
only for the selected analysis operation mode.
I would expect corresponding SmPL dependency specifications.

> +@r_miss_put exists@
> +local idexpression struct device_node *x;
> +expression e, e1;
> +position p1, p2;
> +statement S;
> +type T, T1;
> +@@
> +
> +* x = @p1\(of_find_all_nodes\|

The usage of the SmPL asterisk functionality can fit to the operation mode âcontextâ.
Would you like to add any corresponding SmPL details?

Under which circumstances will remaining programming concerns be clarified
for such SmPL disjunctions?

> +... when != e = (T)x
> + when != true x == NULL

Will assignment exclusions get any more software development attention?

> + when != of_node_put(x)
> +)
> +&
> +x = f(...)
> +...
> +if (<+...x...+>) S
> +...
> +of_node_put(x);
> +)

You propose once more to use a SmPL conjunction in the rule âr_miss_put_extâ.
I am also still waiting for a definitive explanation on the applicability
of this combination.

> +@r_put@
> +expression E;
> +position p1;
> +@@
> +
> +* of_node_put@p1(E)

I guess that this SmPL code will need further adjustments.

> +@r_use_after_put exists@
> +expression r_put.E, subE<=r_put.E;

I have got an understanding difficulty around the interpretation
of the shown SmPL constraint.
How will the clarification be continued?
