Re: [PATCH v4 4/8] i2c: tegra: Support atomic transfers

From: Wolfram Sang
Date: Mon Jan 13 2020 - 17:03:20 EST

On Sun, Jan 12, 2020 at 08:14:26PM +0300, Dmitry Osipenko wrote:
> System shutdown may happen with interrupts being disabled and in this case
> I2C core rejects transfers if atomic transfer isn't supported by driver.

Well, not quite. The core complains about it nowadays, but does not
reject messages. It will try the same behaviour as before. It will just
inform the user that somethings is tried which may not work. I probably
should update the error message printed saying that the transfer is
still tried.

> There were several occurrences where I found my Nexus 7 completely
> discharged despite of being turned off and then one day I spotted this in
> the log:

Given my reasoning above, that should have happened before the warning
was printed as well? Because same behaviour. I'd be surprised if there
was a change...

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