my $i = $ARGV[0]; my @output = (); my @lines = (); open (my $maint, '<', "MAINTAINERS") or die "$P: Can't open MAINTAINERS file 'MAINTAINERS': $!\n"; while (<$maint>) { my $line = $_; push(@lines, $line); } close($maint); my $low_index = $i - 1; while ($lines[$low_index] =~ /^.:/ && $low_index > 0) { $low_index--; } my $high_index = $i - 1; while ($lines[$high_index] =~ /^.:/ && $high_index < $#lines) { $high_index++; } push(@output, "A file pattern line in this section of the MAINTAINERS file in linux-next\n"); push(@output, "does not have a match in the linux source files.\n"); push(@output, "\n"); push(@output, "This could occur because a matching filename was never added, was deleted\n"); push(@output, "or renamed in some other commit.\n"); push(@output, "\n"); push(@output, "The commits that added and if found renamed or removed the file pattern\n"); push(@output, "are shown below.\n"); push(@output, "\n"); push(@output, "Please fix this defect appropriately.\n"); push(@output, "\n"); push(@output, "1: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); push(@output, "\n"); push(@output, "linux-next MAINTAINERS section:\n"); push(@output, "\n"); my $file = $lines[$i-1]; $file =~ s/^[A-Z]:\s+//; chomp $file; my $section = $lines[$low_index]; while ($low_index < $high_index) { push(@output, "-->") if ($low_index == $i-1); push(@output, "\t" . ($low_index+1) . "\t" . $lines[$low_index]); $low_index++; } push(@output, "\n"); push(@output, "2: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); push(@output, "\n"); my @blame = `git blame -L$i,+1 MAINTAINERS`; my @commits = split(' ', $blame[0]); my $commit = $commits[0]; my @commit_lines = `git log -1 --stat $commit`; push(@output, "The most recent commit that added or modified file pattern '$file':\n"); push(@output, "\n"); push(@output, @commit_lines); push(@output, "\n"); push(@output, "3: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); push(@output, "\n"); my @follow = `git log --follow -1 --stat -M -- '$file'`; if (!@follow) { push(@output, "No commit with file pattern '$file' was found\n"); } else { my $commit = $follow[0]; $commit =~ s/^commit //; @follow = `git log --stat -1 -M $commit`; push(@output, "The last commit with a real presence of file pattern '$file':\n"); push(@output, "\n"); push(@output, @follow); } my @maintainers = grep(/^\s+\d+\s+[LRM]:.*$/, @output); my @signers = grep(/^\s+.*-by:.*$/, @output); open (my $fileh, '>', "patterns/$i.txt"); $section =~ s/^\s+\d+\s+//; $section =~ s/\n$//; print $fileh "Subject: Bad file pattern in MAINTAINERS section '$section'\n"; print $fileh "\n"; print $fileh (@output); foreach my $m (@maintainers) { $m =~ s/^\s+\d+\s+.:\s+//; $m =~ s/\s*\(.*\).*$//; } foreach my $s (@signers) { $s =~ s/^\s*[\w\-]+-by:\s*//; } #print $fileh ("\nmaintainers:\n\n"); #print $fileh (@maintainers); #print $fileh ("\nsigners:\n\n"); #print $fileh (@signers); my @emails = (); foreach my $email (@maintainers,@signers) { push(@emails, $email) unless $a{$email}++; } #print $fileh ("\nemails:\n\n"); #print $fileh (@emails); my $cc = ""; foreach my $email (@emails) { my $t = $email; $t =~ s/\n$//; $t =~ s/"//g; $cc .= " --cc \"$t\""; } close $fileh; my $gsm = "git send-email --to \"linux-kernel\\"" . $cc . " patterns/$i.txt"; print("$gsm\n"); #my @gsm_output = `$gsm`; #print(@gsm_output);