Re: [PATCH 1/4] exfat: redefine PBR as boot_sector

From: Tetsuhiro Kohada
Date: Fri May 29 2020 - 02:32:17 EST

I'll make another small patch, OK?

No, It make sense to make v3, because you have renamed the variables in
boot_sector on this patch.


I have a concern about fs_name.
The exfat specification says that this field is "EXFAT".

I think it's a important field for determining the filesystem.
However, in this patch, I gave up checking this field.
Because there is no similar check in FATFS.
Do you know why Linux FATFS does not check this filed?
And, what do you think of checking this field?

FATFS has the same field named "oem_name" and whatever is okay for its value.
However, in case of exFAT, it is an important field to determine filesystem.

I think it would be better to check this field for exFAT-fs.
Would you like to contribute new patch for checking it?

I already have the code, so I'll add it to [PATCH 2/4 v3].