Re: [PATCH v3] exfat: integrates dir-entry getting and validation

From: Tetsuhiro Kohada
Date: Wed Aug 12 2020 - 09:25:48 EST

Thank you for your reply.

@@ -171,7 +174,9 @@ struct exfat_entry_set_cache {
unsigned int start_off;
int num_bh;
struct buffer_head *bh[DIR_CACHE_SIZE];
- unsigned int num_entries;
+ int num_entries;
+ struct exfat_de_file *de_file;
+ struct exfat_de_stream *de_stream;
I prefer to assign validated entries to **de and use it using enum value.
struct exfat_dentry **de;

I've tried several implementations that add a struct exfat_dentry type.(*de0 & *de1; *de[2]; etc...)
The problem with the struct exfat_dentry type is that it is too flexible for type.
This means weak typing.
Therefore, when using them,
de[XXX_FILE]->dentry.file.zzz ...
It is necessary to re-specify the type. (against the DRY principle)
Strong typing prevents use with wrong type, at compiling.

I think the approach of using de_file/de_stream could be strongly typed.
I don't think we need excessive flexibility.

Tetsuhiro Kohada <kohada.t2@xxxxxxxxx>