Fair Pay Update

From: Ywe Cærlyn
Date: Sat Apr 24 2021 - 07:53:59 EST

From my channel: Bit's

Based on 30 years of IT Scene Data. Viking means Bay Dweller. Expression based on Creakstead River where I grew up. ('Unix' referring this river). Old name Åsgard, nearby also Åssiden. Drammen Central also Åspaviljongen.
Media ft. Indie styles that became Bit Streaming.
Author also was Worldclass Sound in local newspaper. - https://purplenoise.eu/Worldclass_Sound.png
Supports L'X, LCPU, Step Waver, and Fair Means Distribution. The recipe for Bit's can be licenced from us. - 4.86% alc/royalty. - believe in the nontrinitarian Sin, rather than the christian one. This is what I have called a Purple Noise project, that also is the label and web name.
