Re: [PATCH v12 0/7] FPGA Security Manager Class Driver

From: Tom Rix
Date: Mon May 10 2021 - 10:16:20 EST

On 5/3/21 2:35 PM, Russ Weight wrote:
The FPGA Security Manager class driver provides a common
API for user-space tools to manage updates for secure FPGA
devices. Device drivers that instantiate the FPGA Security
Manager class driver will interact with a HW secure update
engine in order to transfer new FPGA and BMC images to FLASH so
that they will be automatically loaded when the FPGA card reboots.


These have my Reviewed-by, but since it has been a while, I am looking these over again.

If you do not hear anything from me in the next couple of days, please assume everything is fine.
