Re: [PATCH] riscv: Don't use va_pa_offset on kdump

From: Nick Kossifidis
Date: Sat Oct 09 2021 - 09:19:05 EST

Στις 2021-10-06 14:13, Alexandre Ghiti έγραψε:
+ /* This will trigger a jump to CSR_STVEC anyway */
jalr zero, a2, 0

The last jump to a2 can be removed since the fault will be triggered
before even reaching this instruction.

Just switching SATP to zero doesn't generate a trap unless mstatus.TVM is set (for visualization purposes). The hart will try and execute the next instruction but it's not clear in the spec what happens in case the code is cached, I don't want to rely solely on STVEC. I prefer having this instruction there, note that some earlier QEMU versions also had this behavior (the original kdump patch didn't set STVEC and it worked fine after setting SATP to zero).

This patch fixes a regression introduced when moving the kernel to the
end of the address space, so we should add:
Fixes: 2bfc6cd81bd1 ("riscv: Move kernel mapping outside of linear mapping")

And it should be backported to 5.13 and 5.14. It seems that the
following tags should be enough:

Cc: <stable@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> # 5.13
Cc: <stable@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> # 5.14

And finally, you can add:

Reviewed-by: Alexandre Ghiti <alex@xxxxxxxx>

ACK, thanks ! I'll resend the patch with the tags you mentioned.
