Re: [PATCH 1/5] x86/mce/inject: Check if a bank is unpopulated before error simulation

From: Borislav Petkov
Date: Thu Oct 14 2021 - 16:57:20 EST

On Thu, Oct 14, 2021 at 03:26:13PM -0500, Koralahalli Channabasappa, Smita wrote:
> My concern was, we need to determine whether the bank is unpopulated or
> populated before trying to inject the errors on a hw injection, for which
> we need to read the IPID MSR of that bank.

Ah, that. Look at the smca_banks[] array in .../mce/amd.c and how
smca_configure() prepares all banks in there. You could use that array
to query which SMCA bank on which CPU is initialized, before injecting
into it.

> should be retained inside inj_bank_set() ?

And yes, I guess you'll have to do it there because then you know which
bank and which CPU the hw injection is supposed to happen on.

> And inj_ipid_set() should just set m->ipid = val on a SW_INJ as you mentioned
> above?


