What is kswap?

Raj Mathur (raju@gratis.xgroup.ernet.in)
Fri, 10 Nov 95 01:25 IST(+0530)

After hearing the term "kswap" so many times, my curiousity meter just
got the better of me. What exactly is it? Something which permits kmem
to be swapped out to disk?

And if it is Good Thing, does anything special have to be done to
enable it? (Snatches of other conversations indicate that kswap is now
a part of the newer kernels.)

-- Raju

 Raj Mathur           The X Group           New Delhi           India
  PGP: Fingerprint: F2 D4 4A 21 27 B0 63 FF  15 97 9D AE 9D 40 BC B8
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                      It is the mind that moves.