Re: Linux 1.3.36: 'bforget' is flawed

Carsten Paeth (
Fri, 10 Nov 1995 07:01:17 +0100 (MET)

> Michael Elizabeth Chastain: "Re: Linux 1.3.36: 'bforget' is flawed" (Nov 6, 8:34):
> Exactly. The patch below tries to fix some of this, but as I already
> warned: this is a work in progress and I won't guarantee that it
> compiles (and if it compiles I won't guarantee that it works..)
> Linus

Linus, remember your mail about we don't see the problems about yours
and Alan kepping in Error.
Didn't you and Alan want such mails ?

I sometime find problems in the kernel source, but not always I want to
expose me.

By the way, I love the work of you, Alan and Donald.

In the .38 patch, I like the elimination of sendto/recvform, but
there are some problems with the RAW-Sockets (try a ping).
I'm angry, that I'm have no time to test it out and verify the sources
till the weekend :-(.

Alan: what is the best way to understand what you think about the direction
the implementation of the network should go to ?
I'm willing to test and implement some parts, if wanted,
only show the direction. Hope to meet you again at the Congress in Feb. 96
in Berlin to drink some virtual beers together with Linus :-)

