MODVERSIONS help message

Snow Cat (
Sun, 18 Feb 1996 08:13:56 -0800 (PST)

>Set version information on all symbols for modules (CONFIG_MODVERSIONS) [N/y/?] ?
> Usually, modules have to be recompiled whenever you
> switch to a new kernel. Enabling this option allows you
> to keep using the same modules even after compiling a new kernel;
> this requires the program modprobe. All the software needed for
> module support is in the modules package in
>, available via ftp (user:
> anonymous). NOTE1: if you say Y here but don't have the program
> genksyms (which is also contained in the above mentioned modules
> package), then the building of your kernel will fail. NOTE2: if you
> say Y here, then you cannot say Y to the PPP driver, below; the only
> option is to compile it as a module (PPP is a protocol for sending
> internet traffic over telephone lines). Therefore, N is a safe bet.

I believe this is somewhat misleading. insmod (instead of modprobe) can
get MODVERSION'ed modules in fine and PPP does work with 'Y' :)

By the way, with recent binutils, kernel Makefile needs to do ld -x -r on each
module to make it work. Otherwize gcc2_compiled. will have wrong version.

     Snow ^oo^ Cat <snowcat@math.CSUFresno.EDU>
      _  ->  <-    aka Oleg Kibirev <oleg@math.CSUFresno.EDU>
  ___(_)  _ _)_    
 /            _)   finger oleg@math.math.CSUFresno.EDU for PGP public key
       |___/	Purr!