Re: CVS, Linus, and us

Michael Alan Dorman (
Sun, 18 Feb 1996 09:48:04 -0500

>> Why couldn't one of these people make his/her ... CVS
>> tree available over the net?
>'Twould be wonderful. Unfortunately, currently, cvs in its default form
>requires remote shelling capabilities into the computer. One would have to
>be very confortable with the security risks in 'just making cvs available'
>over the net.

>From my experience, it would just be useful for Linus to have the
source tree in CVS _even if it wasn't available over the net_, since
it should make it easier for him to integrate outsiders changes (and
for outsiders to maintain patches against new versions of the source
tree, but that's sort of incidental), which means less time spent
wedging in patches and more time spent being productive.


"I never worry, why should I.  It's all gonna fade."