Re: PATCH: Linux high in the sky

Hans Lermen (
Thu, 22 Feb 1996 03:20:35 +0100 (MET)

On Wed, 21 Feb 1996, Albert Cahalan wrote:

> It would be great if you could put a 32-bit magic number
> right at the beggining of the image. Something like what
> I've included here adds only 4 bytes, or 8 if you include
> kernel version data. It would be great if file could print
> "Linux 1.3.70 i386 kernel image data, ELF/bzImage/experimental"
> Note that the magic number is code to save space.

The problem is: There is no space left in the bootsector.
In fact you have only 5 bytes, from which 2 atleast are already planned
to be used in the future for some additional flags (was proposed here on the
list some time ago, don't remember for what it will be used)

32-bit magic + jump around + version == 7 bytes ! You see ?

But 'file' may have a look at the new header in setup.S
which also has its fixed place:

(0x200 jump around)
0x202 .ascii "HdrS" ! Magic
0x206 .word 0x0200 | Version number of header format > 0x200
0x211 .byte 0 | 0 == zImage, 1 == bzImage
