Problems with /proc/meminfo & free

Bryn Paul Arnold Jones (
Sat, 24 Feb 1996 16:40:47 +0000 (GMT)

Hmm, well as the format of /proc/meminfo has changed (again), can we have
all the values the same (ie bytes/kbytes) ? Ok, this change was handled
by free and friends, but not totaly:

contence of /proc/meminfo:
total: used: free: shared: buffers: cached:
Mem: 15515648 8028160 7487488 5804032 888832 3665920
Swap: 70180864 0 70180864
MemTotal: 15152 kB
MemFree: 7312 kB
MemShared: 5668 kB
Buffers: 868 kB
Cached: 3580 kB
SwapTotal: 68536 kB
SwapFree: 68536 kB

output from free:
total used free shared buffers cached
Mem: 15152 8508 6644 5680 1060 4016
-/+ buffers: 7448 7704
Swap: 68536 0 68536
MemTotal: 14
MemFree: 6
MemShared: 5
Buffers: 1
Cached: 3
SwapTotal: 66
SwapFree: 66

Ok, they (free, and friends) handled the changes this time (it doesn't line
up, but that's not a big problem), but as there are no units quoted (in
free), all the numbers should be the same (I vote for changeing the
kernel to give byte values, not Kbytes).


PGP key available from any good server   \ Overload -- core meltdown sequence 
1024/EB275221 1995/09/05 Bryn P. A. Jones |            initiated.
<> (use this key)  / This space is intentionally left   
fingerprint:  83 AF D8 65 BC 52 74 31   |  blank, apart from this text ;-)
              67 1A 5F 31 F5 A0 9C 82    \____________________________________