Re: 1.3.6x, Netscape 2.0 dies.

Kayvan Sylvan (
Sun, 25 Feb 96 08:31 PST

>>>>> "Walter" == Walter Wong <> writes:

Walter> My problems with Netscape 2.0 under Linux seem to be related
Walter> to Java. Under 1.3.59 and 1.3.66 if I access any Java pages or
Walter> try to pull up the Java console, Netscape dies (with a Signal
Walter> 7 - exit 135).

Walter> The weird part is that Netscape doesn't crash this way when I
Walter> send the X display to a different machine (only tested under
Walter> 1.3.66).

Are you using 16bpp mode? It appears that Netscape's Java only works
with 8bpp or 24bpp, it's in the release notes. I was having the same
problem and restarted my X server in 8bpp mode (256 colors) and Java
worked correctly.


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Kayvan Sylvan         | Sylvan Associates           | Proud Dad of:
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