Project: Balancing load between PPP connections

Snow Cat (
Mon, 11 Mar 1996 23:09:18 -0800 (PST)

Good evening,

Is it just me, or does Linux PPP really supports only one connection
at a time? With Linux 1.3.72+PPP 2.2.0e, if I connect to a remote host
that just keeps sending data (like rcp local_machine:/sdmach /tmp),
netscape download in another window slows down to 30 bytes per second.
I can't even use telnet at this speed :)

Some observations:

Looks like if a remote host is sending data too fast, Linux will do nothing
to slow it down. TCP/IP standard includes "Source Quench" messages for this
purpose, why doesn't UNIX send and recieve them? Also, if Linux doesn't
acknowledge packets that are coming too fast, won't the other side assume
that network is conjested and slow down?

Another solution would be to add priorities to traffic from selected ports,
like term. When I used it, I was able to open an ftp session and a Mosaic
window and trsh was still usable?

Is anyone working in this direction? If not, I might dig out my networking
books and give it a try.

Snow ^oo^ Cat <snowcat@math.CSUFresno.EDU>
_ -> <- aka Oleg Kibirev <oleg@math.CSUFresno.EDU>
___(_) _ _)_
/ _) finger oleg@math.math.CSUFresno.EDU for PGP public key
|___/ Purr!