Obsolete features (Was: Who uses extfs etc.)

Jon Kaare Hellan (hellan@idt.unit.no)
Wed, 20 Mar 1996 14:12:40 +0100 (MET)

Re the discussion about etxfs, renaming ext2fs, etc.:

I think the best solution would be not to remove or rename anything,
but to change the configuration utilities so that probably obsolete
things come by themselves at the end.

Any volunteers? I don't know enough about what is still needed and
what isn't.


Do you want to be offered features which are now
considered obsolete? [N/y/?] ?

These features are considered obsolete, and may be removed in the
future. You'll know if you need these. Just say no.


Jon K. Hellan                                   Jon.K.Hellan@idt.unit.no
Div. of Computer Systems and Telematics         Phone: +47 73 59 43 27
Norwegian University of Science & Technology    Fax:   +47 73 59 69 73
Trondheim - Norway