Re: UDP: bad checksum.

Andrew C. Esh (
Wed, 03 Apr 1996 10:42:31 -0600

Delepine Jean Charles wrote:
> Hello,
> Since I upgrade my system to linux 1.3.73 and above (actually .81), I get
> the message :
> > UDP: bad checksum. From 00000000:68 to FFFFFFFF:67 ulen 308

I get this exact same error message about once a night. (I see
them most often in pairs or by themselves on the console in the
morning when I arrive to begin work. My /var/log/syslog shows
them in pairs, usually seconds apart, then another pair a few
hours later.

> There was no problemes with the 1.3.20 version from slack3.0.
> The system is a Pentium 120 PCI with a 3c509 card.
> there's no probleme with :
> slack 2.4 (a.out), 3c509, 1.3.73 and 1.3.48
> slack 3.0 (elf) , 1.3.80 (yet) , no lan but the dummy driver :-)
> Is there something wrong in the slack3.0 ?

It doesn't help me (and many others) to refer to Slack distributions.
Many of us don't use Slack, but we all use the same kernel code.
Everything but "slack 2.4", and "slack 3.0" in the above report
meant something to me.

> Is there something new I must install... ?

I doubt it. I have a 3c509 card, and I'm running 1.3.82, and I still
get them. They don't seem to affect anything else, though.

Andrew C. Esh
Computer Network Technology (finger for PGP key)
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