1.3.83 not compiling

Matthew Kramer (mkramer@netonecom.net)
Wed, 3 Apr 1996 13:25:54 -0500 (EST)

I get many many screens full of parse errors like:
/usr/include/unistd.h:302: parse error before `__getpid'

Whenever I try to compile the sound driver, menuconfig, or xconfig. I
havne't attempted compiling using regular config and leaving the sound
out, though.

Well, just tried it without sound and it went fine until the very end
then got all those parse errors from unistd.h. Remedies, anyone?

: Matthew Kramer - http://www.netonecom.net/~mkramer :
: mkramer@netonecom.net .....................................
: kram1968@nova.gmi.edu : GMI Engineering & Management Inst :
:...................... : Computer Engineering Major :
: And best of all... Linux User! :