Re: Cute Linus.... Really cute...

Jared Mauch (
Sat, 6 Apr 1996 17:08:21 -0500 (EST)

Can we make the kernel randomly change what it prints upon
bootime like this also? ;-)

- jared

Jonathan A. Davis spewed:
> Randomly changing finger logo eh?
> This will cause MONTHS of debate over whether Linus has been spending way
> too much time in front of the workstation. *snicker*
> -Jonathan (who thinks someone needs to contribute a weasel logo to add to
> the collection) _ _
> ------------------------------------------------------------->>>>>>>>-(o)(o)---
> Jonathan A. Davis | Academic Systems Analyst | Hattiesburg/Gulf Park/Stennis
> Computing Center | Box 5171 | 39401-5171 | (601) 266-4103 |
> | Linux: The choice of a GNU generation