Module/Driver layers (Was: sound volume and kerneld)

Christian Holtje (
Thu, 11 Apr 1996 01:27:31 -0500 (CDT)

Why don't we break the modules/driver things into two layers?
For things like sound drivers and lp drivers (which is my pet peeve with
the module systems....I hate my printer re-initializing everytime I print
a page), they can be broken into two parts (same for SCSI, serial ports,
ethernet cards, etc).

The first paart would be a hardware layer. It would do nothing but
sit on a device (say a parallel port) and remember things, like the
status bits for the various lines or the sound levels on a sound card or
the IRQ/IO address and packet counts for ethernet cards. This would
remain in the kernel.

Then you could have the specific drivers/modules load and unload as
needed? All of these devices have identical/nearly identical sets of
resources, right? Or is that something that just doesn't happen on intel

Christian G. Holtje (aka Doctor What)

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