Re: Can't locate module net-pf-3 (or 5)

Peter Jones (
Thu, 11 Apr 1996 23:24:01 +0100

Alan Cox wrote:
> > No, its a 'bug' in ifconfig, it is requesting all kinds of Adress families
> > (which is not the right thing to do .). This will be fixed in the next
> > net-tools Release.
> Please don't fix it. ifconfig is meant to use all the families. It has to, so
> that it can issue queries for each device type. Other tools do the same and
> will continue to do so. People should configure their kerneld config properly.
> Alan


The problem here, I think, is that the mapping from number is dynamic. Looking
at protocol.c, the table depends on what protocols are configured into the
kernel. What is needed is a static identifier per protocol, so that kerneld
can request, say, net-pf-ax25. These mappings could then be built into
modprobe. Alternatively, make the numbers static.

-- Peter

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