1.3.87 and SLOW SLIP/PPP

Mark E. Levitt (melevitt@mailbox.syr.edu)
Fri, 12 Apr 1996 11:07:05 -0400 (EDT)

It's definitly better. I haven't done anything extensive to test it
other than look at interactive telnet response. It seems to be keeping
up with my typing well enough to use the Solaris hosts again.
I quickly tried the SunOS host and it doesn't seem any slower than the
Solaris host.
I do have to say that they *both* seem a *little* bit slower in 1.3.87.
However, this may just be a fluke due to some other problem with the


Mark E. Levitt
Department of Speech Communication, Syracuse University
E-mail: melevitt@syr.edu
Home Page: http://web.syr.edu/~melevitt

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