Re: Linux-1.3.88 - Code Freeze

Jon Tombs (
Sun, 14 Apr 1996 21:45:22 +0200 (MET DST)

John E. Davis said:
> Is the lack of ``write-side NFS caching'' the reason that writing to an NFS
> mounted disk is slow by about a factor of 2 compared with other versions of
> Unix? (This is with a 1.3.79 kernel).

Basically yes, most NFS implementation perform a write behind, that allows
multiple requests to be merged if they are performed within some timeout.
Also for this to be effective, you need to use 8k nfs writes. The current
linux kmalloc/networking swallows a lot of memory (16k per packet), which
also has a large effect on performance, and isn't pratical with <16MB of ram.

Jon. <,>