Re: Socket destroy delayed (1.3.88)

Bryn Paul Arnold Jones (
Mon, 15 Apr 1996 01:29:59 +0100 (BST)

On Sun, 14 Apr 1996, BearHeart / Bill Weinman wrote:

> I just installed 1.3.88 last night (previous version was 1.3.73),
> and now I'm seeing some messages that say:
> Socket destroy delayed (r=0 w=252)
> I've gotten 12 of them so far, spread out over the past 12 hours
> or so.
Well, as I'm sure Alan (or is is Linus, or both ?) would point out, as
long as you don't get this every 10 seconds, it's ok.

> <sherlock mode>
> /* this should never happen. */
> /* actually it can if an ack has just been sent. */
> printk("Socket destroy delayed (r=%d w=%d)\n",
> sk->rmem_alloc, sk->wmem_alloc);
> <!-- I've always enjoyed "can't happen" bugs. ;^) -->

It sais it can happen, but only if we just sent an ack (statistically
(sp?) it's going to happen eventually).

> Anyway, it would appear to be about the infamous "ack" problem,
> (judging from the comment only).
> Hope this helps,
> --Bill

PGP key pass phrase forgotten,   \ Overload -- core meltdown sequence 
again :(                          |            initiated.
                                 / This space is intentionally left   
                                |  blank, apart from this text ;-)