Re: Linux-1.3.88 - Code Freeze

John E. Davis (
15 Apr 1996 08:01:54 GMT

On Sun, 14 Apr 1996 10:43:19 +0300 (EET DST), Linus Torvalds <>
: > Is the lack of ``write-side NFS caching'' the reason that writing to an NFS
: > mounted disk is slow by about a factor of 2 compared with other versions of
: > Unix? (This is with a 1.3.79 kernel).
: Check out that you have rsize=8192 and wsize=8192, and then the
: write-side caching shouldn't matter for most programs that use buffered
: stdio.

I should have mentioned that I do have rsize and wsize set to 8192 as well
as 64 Megs of physical memory (128 Megs of swap). The rest of the
networking appears to be very fast, e.g., ftp.

It's too bad that you think that it should not matter with buffered stdio
because, this newsreader (slrn) uses buffered stdio to write out the newsrc
file and, it takes twice the amount of time to perform this task to an NFS
mounted disk when slrn is run under Linux than it does under sun4 systems.

: And remember, there _is_ life after 2.0. We'll get this issue worked out
: soon enough, so don't be too worried about it.

I have no doubt about that.

John E. Davis                   Center for Space Research/AXAF Science Center
617-258-8119                    MIT 37-662c, Cambridge, MA 02139