Re: X-Windows

Herbert Wengatz (
Thu, 18 Apr 1996 17:26:04 +0200

+> > Lately, while in X I have been having keyboard and mouse lockups. The
+> > mouse cursor moves, but none of the clicks do anything. I can shut the
+> > system down from another machine, but I can't get my machine to do
+> > anything. So far it's only happened while running Netscape 2.01, but
+> > there was a time, (somewhere between 1.3.85 - 1.3.88) where Netscape
+> > couldn't have worked any better. I don't want to put all the blame on the
+> > kernel, but just wanted to know if anyone else is having this problem.
+> > The system doesn't give any strange messages either. Anybody have an idea
+> > why this is happening?
+> i have a similar symptom; i have a logitech mouseman and i believe
+> it is a bug in X' handling of the mouseman protocol (but i have no
+> tests to base this theory on :-)
+> if i press the middle mouse button it unfreezes, which is an ok
+> workaround for me. but the first couple of times it happened i
+> was really worried.
There's for sure somewhere a bug. Either in the X11-mouse-driver, or
in the Linux-mouse-driver (I don't know, is it the same ? Is X just
using the calls Linux offers ?).

I swapped some weeks ago my mainboard to a faster one. The result was,
that X11 wouldn't fire up any more. I had a very hard hang!
After two weeks of search, I simply exchanged my good ole Logitech
mouse with an "El Cheapo"-MS-compatible mouse -> suddenly X11 did
run again!!!! (ONLY with the MS-Mouse!)

I had some mailexchanges with Harald Koenig in Tuebingen (Hallo, Harald!
Nochmals vielen Dank fuer deine Hilfe!!!! :-) ),
but I must admit I lost contact. The bug still is not fixed as far as I know.
And I currently (and for the next months, too) I can't help search,
since I make a move in June. (Sorry, Harald!)

I assume there's some new serial chip on the newer mainboards, which
is not completely compatible, or so. - Just because, before I switched the
mainboards, everything was fine.


Herbert Wengatz,82049 Pullach |Disclaim: This Mail is my own opinion,
Office |not that of my company. *** | oo-) (new & improved !!!!!!) m_/
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