Re: 'ps u' gives Floating point exception

Karl Keyte (
Thu, 18 Apr 1996 17:56:37 --100

> From: <>
> Subject: Re: 'ps u' gives Floating point exception
> To:
> Date: Thu, 18 Apr 1996 11:09:07 -0400 (EDT)
> Cc:
> > Another case of not reading the release* files in GCC ...
> Eek!
> Please stop with the flames. Sorry to all but I can't help that my full
> time job gives me little time to stay up-to-date on all Changes in
> GCC and Linux kernels. I feel that since I have contributed code to the
> kernel, I do have some entitlement to screw up sometimes.
> I will no longer post any sort of problem I have in the fear that I have
> missed something in the last few months and will be burned at the stake
> by people that can not simply delete my mail without berating me.

No need to be that touchy! I understand both points of view and
have been there myself. There's an assumption (often incorrect)
that people who post also read. It saves everyone's time as well
as Internet bandwidth. Your question was only emotive because
it's been asked at least 50 times on this one group alone. That's
why you got the reply you did.

While I do support reading as much as you can, especially the
release notes and READMEs, I also understand that sometimes
questions _do_ get repeated unnecessarily. We've all done it.
Perhaps people should be a little more considerate with their
answers and maybe, if the question has already been answered
many times, simply assist with a direct mail. Even more Internet
bandwidth saved. Anyway, before I waste too much... :-)

Don't be disheartened - keep going!


- Karl Keyte -------------------+-------------------------------------
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